Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

Tuesday Morning Drake GIF
No, it's not, but it's not called "Freedom of speech" in other governments.
For example, I'm Canadian, and as @Mendalla pointed out, in Canada it's freedom of expression under the charters of rights.
At least it's not called politically incorrect speech like it is here in Australia.
I find that people have gone a little too far with it because everyone's too sensitive.
we'd be looking at maybe a December release if they go via the usual beta/RC release model, sooner if not.
Well the release model is to release it when any bugs are sorted out via the beta period - so the actual release date would have to depend on that rather than following a previous model.

Why release in Dec if there are still significant bugs?
Why wait until December of bugs are fixed in October?
Why release in Dec if there are still significant bugs?
They wouldn't and that's not what he is suggesting. He's just making a guess that based on the start date of the HYS and assuming betas go well, that seems like the earliest date. At least that's how I read it. Obviously, major bugs turning up in beta will affect that date and he said nothing to suggest otherwise. And I largely agree with that assessment.
Why wait until December of bugs are fixed in October?
Because there's no way they're going to get the beta testing started early enough for the bugs to be fixed in October. We've had just one HYS so far and it is the last week of September, so I doubt we'll even see a beta until late October at the earliest unless they move this a lot faster than in the past. And if the beta period is basically November to maybe early December, a December final release would be spot on assuming no delays for major bug fixes in the betas or RCs.

Right now, I think I'll probably be skipping beta testing this time. I'm trying to cut back the amount of time I spend on the site so I may just wait for final release, test that in my dev, and then pull the trigger on the upgrade if I'm happy with it.
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