Any Mo Bros on here?!

I think it is a great shows dedication.

I usually wear my hair as a bald fade...

Because I grow my hair for locks of is very obvious that I do different now than I have for a decade and people around me notice and they start a conversation and ask why I am running a hair farming operation on the top of my dome since I look so incredibly different.

This gives me the opportunity to explain to them why I do what I do and my intentions behind it...which surprises them considering they know me as a different person and have no clue as to 99% of my intentions. My hair is currently 12 and a half inches long and I will be donating it at the end of the winter here and starting yet again.

Too bad I missed the stache-bash...for most of my life rapid growing hair has been annoying...who would have thought it could serve a purpose :) There is always next year I hope...anyways...I am glad to see things like this that help unify people under a common cause. We have enough dissidence amongst the average folk and it would be great to see more folks coming together to help someone other than themselves.

Bless everyone of you unkempt and rugged looking guys who are doing this for more reasons other than an excuse to be lazy for a month and thank you for caring.
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