Implemented Allow vote changes on polls, be able to specify number of options & add poll to existing thread

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
When creating a poll, you can allow multiple responses but not how many.
For example, how can I allow only 2 choices out of 10?

Also, vote changing should be permitted but this isn't an option when creating a poll.

Lastly, it's not possible to add a poll to an existing thread when editing the first post. My members would really miss this functionality.
Upvote 72
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Being able to add a thread to an existing poll is an important feature for us, I hope they come up with a way to do this.
when Thread dont have a poll, there is no option to add one

/poll/edit <-- manualy, it say i dont have access
/poll/add <-- and this one dont exist

plis, add it, i realy need it.

Vote changing should be permitted but this isn't an option when creating a poll.
I was surprised I was unable to change my vote.
I think not being to able to change your vote could add to admin / moderator burden as I expect lots of members will request vote changes.
Lastly, it's not possible to add a poll to an existing thread when editing the first post. My members would really miss this functionality.
Considering the current structure of [New threads] I think this is a legitimate request.
I however, think the idea that [New Threads] can create new polls or forum posts to be very weird.
Only vBulletin was like this. No other forum software co-mingles forum posting and polls.
Now xenforo replicated this odd functionality.
Yes me too on the option to easily add a poll to an existing thread.

I'd also like the ability to delete specific member votes too. In the case of review forums if you find someone has been spamming the poll votes, it would be good to be able to delete their votes.
I am missing the ability to change the votes of careless or fickle pollsters, I would really appreciate it if the facility to do so is added soon. Thanks.
Me, too, & a "like" for the original post.

The problem with merging into the new thread (if you have delayed too long) is that Google has probably already indexed the old thread. You're now left with a bad link in Google.
Changing a poll vote and adding a poll to an existing thread is important to me as well. I see I can not even remove a users vote when they made a mistake .
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