Lack of interest Allow mods/admins to update all quotes of a post

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Active member
Problem: Somebody posts something not within the rules of the board, or law, and everybody quotes it to call it out. It's a PIA to update all the quotes in a thread with hundreds or replies or when quoted into another topic.

It would be nice if the quotes actually pulled the post from the DB (could save space as well) ... maybe just track any customizations to quoted text
.. or at least have an option for mods/admins to 'update all quotes' when editing or PC'n a user's post.
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I think the opposite may be true in some cases. Like - you want to publicly preserve the original post contents where the originator can't change them. That would not work if quotes were just an internal X-ref to the original.
I think the opposite may be true in some cases. Like - you want to publicly preserve the original post contents where the originator can't change them. That would not work if quotes were just an internal X-ref to the original.
I 100% get that. That is why I was thinking a mod/admin only option near the 'edit silently' checkbox would be good.
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