Lack of interest allow image uploads to admincp?

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Well-known member
i work with an admin who does not have ftp access.....but want to let them be able to do basic style work....things like changing logo, background images....

we can now upload entire addon packs to install backend, but still no support for these other little things that can need ftp....would be nice to allow image uploads for use in custom styles etc...

any chance something like this will come soon?
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It's unlikely (but I won't totally rule it out for some point in the future).

After all, that's a fairly niche thing - at least this specific use case is IMO. I'd say it's fairly unusual to have someone who is in charge of style related stuff, but not trusted enough to have their own FTP account.

Especially as FTP users can be fairly granular in most configurations. If you don't want the user in question to have full FTP access, you could probably configure it so that there is an FTP account that only gives them access to your styles directory, or even a specific directory where the exact files reside.
true i know its not a common issue, could be a convenience benefit my isnt an issue of them not being is some sort of tech limitation on his side.....i have to admit tho....i am rather liking the ease of uploading/upgrading addons that way so far....if there was an option to do other things more directly i would use them fwiw...
Hmm. I personally feel anything that lightens the load of administering these forums is a welcome feature! To need ftp logins, filepaths just to add images and backgrounds to styles etc is a bit of a drag. why I can't just click browse, upload, done! is a mystery when I can browse and upload update files, addons scripts etc that way from the backend. It's akin to running air traffic control as is with all the settings, please add it to your to do list. a workaround....i suppose i need to "create an addon" that he can put images inside...then he could upload there a basic link for how to do that?
thank you for those! guessing there is some key specific as well which needs to be included so its recognized as 2.1 uploadable/compatible...but i will read up some :)
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