Lack of interest AJAXify certain elements

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Well-known member
Just a suggestion, and one for the sake of prettiness, but there are several areas which could be AJAXified, such as the News Feed - it could be like the digg spy and auto update.

With the forum displays, when you click a sorting order, such as sort by title, it requires a pageload, can this not be ajaxified?

Now, I'm not saying "Pageloads are the spawn of the devil" (or am I?) but everything else is so smooth, I think these, even though they are cosmetic, will improve the general usability. :)
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Yeah that only works well on things like search engines and emails etc where you don't necessarily link to. For threads, having to link to an exact post is vital in ensuring the discussion continues.
I'm pretty new, so I might have overlooked something. But I have been looking at the "What's new", and while I can see the time from the last message being increased by AJAX, the Forum Spy also shows new replies or posts made since you accessed the page.

On busier boards, it basically has a rolling list of replies and/or threads. If this is already present in What's New, then great, but when I have been looking at it, I did not see any shifts or changes in the list, despite checking for new replies in another window, and noticing there have in fact been some of those.
So basically what you're suggesting is making the "What's new" feed to update constantly using AJAX. Which would give you, on busier boards, a stream of new threads/replies. Sounds good but it might put a bit of strain on the bandwidth of the server(s) that host the forum.
The What's New page is a hard coded URL once it has been fetched.

This was discussed a long time ago and the dev's made it clear they didn't intend to change that.
Thanks for pointing me to the old threads. As stated before, I only recently registered hre, so I might have overlooked a thing or two.

The Spy from Digital Point that I run does not seem overly heavy on the DB, and if it's impractical to do refreshes in real time, perhaps once every 30 seconds or so would work for me as well. I just know my users love being able to see that kind of stuff, but if it would end up pulling down the performance of the server, of course it's not an option.
Spy is from Digg - and adapter by many boards.

For users and staff it's great to go to what's new or news-feed and turn on the 'live' link (.. spy) which would lets you just have the tab open and see it live update with new content as it comes in.
Spy is from Digg - and adapter by many boards.

For users and staff it's great to go to what's new or news-feed and turn on the 'live' link (.. spy) which would lets you just have the tab open and see it live update with new content as it comes in.
I would really like this option too. Would be great to watch activity on the board as it happens.
Dont think this has any purpose being in the core release. Obviously it would work better as a the big scale of things, very few forums would want/use/need this.
I'm not sure if the option is already there somewhere but the "forum spy" type implementations of the What's News page that exist for VB (VBISpy for example) and other forums are quite nice and I wondered if something similar had been considered for XF?
whats new has nothing to do with ispy.
ispy is not a list of threads, its an auto updating list of posts. perhaps the best comparison is an ajaxified 'recent activity'.
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