Advanced Rules [Deleted]

au lait

Well-known member
au lait submitted a new resource:

[by] Advanced Rules - Users must accept the rules for a variety of actions

Please look at the pictures and the demo!

Advanced Rules system for XenForo:

When a user makes a particular action, it must first accept only a corresponding rule before it can go ahead.

The following areas are covered by this addon:
-Forum view
-Thread view
-Thread create
-Start Conversation
-Gallery view
-Gallery add
-Ressource view
-Ressource add
-Ressource update

- Rules displayed on a separate page
- Admin Option for create rules with extensive options

Read more about this resource...
@au lait when registering for the first time, can you use this to have the user accept before completing registration?

What about for when buying upgrades?
i have some error when i click on active user in xenporta 2
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_phc_AdvancedRules_Extend_XenGallery_ControllerPublic_Gallery in /www/htdocs/w01263e7/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Can you explain what this is supposed to mean "Before the rules were not accepted, the user can not:" ???
Can we set that extra rules has to be accepted when user create thread in specific node, or just is global for all forum?
Do you have plan to support 3rd party addons?
  • AMS - article management system by @Bob
    • View article
    • Create Article
  • SC - showcase by @Bob
    • View item
    • Create item
  • UBS - users blogs system by @Bob
    • create blog
    • create blog entry
    • view blog
    • view blog entry
  • Social Group by @Nobita.Kun
    • create group
    • view group
    • create event for group
    • view event in group
    • post in group's wall
@au lait the UBS Blog System it's still not available, how your script can be compatible with it?
There are support of multiple 3rd party addons. If you have any of them installed, the addon will work for them, and if you don't have any of them, then nothing will happen.
Bought it today but can not use it... yet... a few important things I am missing:
  • Text formatting: This add-on really needs the text editor. HTML is not working properly and too complicated for longer rules texts.
  • Per forum/thread choice which rule: Same as with XF Notices, it makes great sense to be able to chose the forum where a specific rule can be applied (for example a trade/marketplace forum with special trade rules)
  • Multiple Rule Sets upon user registration: User registration needs to be able to have multiple rules to be accepted (There might be other community rules or privacy agreements beside the general terms and conditions)
  • Better Navigation: Rules Page with sub pages or a table of contents for multiple rules sets. Otherwise you just scroll to death.
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Text formatting: This add-on really needs the text editor. HTML is not working properly and too complicated for longer rules texts.
I need a rules addon, but without formatting its not possible.
Better Navigation: Rules Page with sub pages or a table of contents for multiple rules sets. Otherwise you just scroll to death.
This is needed.
@au lait please fix this.

Also, a feature request:
  • A quick way for members to quote the rules.
    For example a bbcode [rule]16[/rule] would quote rule 16, with a link to it.
    Or an editor button with a drop down to select a rule.
What I need is a quick way for users to quote a specific rule. Not a set of rules. For example:

General Rules
1. rude behaviour is not allowed
2. good spelling is mandatory
3 you cannot spam

Marketplace Rules
1 ...
2 ...
3 ...

Then when a user tells another rule, that they cant be rude, they should be able to quickly quote the rule number one of the 'General Rules' by inserting a simple bbcode. The bbcode should not display all rules in the 'General Rules' set.
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That could be done by anchors... have the ability to insert anchors into a rule set.


Meaning first anchor in Rules Set 16.
Including the rules set would be too complex for my users. We have quite a few users who become dizzy when they need to use complex code. Anything more than 1 variable is too complex. Half of my users will never use bbcode. And only a select few use advanced bbcode.

It would be much easier for them to go to the rules and copy paste it. The point of my suggestion is to make it easier than that.
A solution would be to make it like this:
[rules=1]General Rules[/rules]
A member can simply look up and remember the name of the rule set and the number of the rule.
Better would be:
For example by making one set of rules the default set. And the [rule] bbcode would only relate to that set. In contrast to [rules] bbcode relating to rules sets.

Optimally there would just be an editor button, with a drop down of the rules. This is something any member can use. Even if they are not comfortable with bbcode.
You need to know that it wasn't planned to actually quote part of a rule. It will always be a LINK to the rule (like with Iversia's FAQ add-on), because quotes are rendered statically, which means once rendered, they don't change when the rules change. So if you change the rules to a later time (which could be very realistically when a forum community grows), all the quoted rules texts would be different. So... better keep it to BBCodes that just put a link up.
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