Advanced BBcodes Toolbar [Paid] [Deleted]

To download the upgrade, please wait a little. I'm sorry but my host made an upgrade of my server a few hours ago and since then I've got bugs with XenForo (because of mod_rewrite I guess) and Wordpress (only visual until they switch off themes and plugins to help me ^^). It should be fixed in a few more hours... I hope.
Would it be possible or acceptable to you if someone "gift purchased" this for someone else? Say for example if X person bought this, but did so for Y person and contact you to inform you that it was for Y
On which calendar is based the Chinese new year ?

The Chinese New Year is based upon the lunar calender. Or if you Google it the Chinese calendar, but I thought that was a silly answer. Neither of them seem acceptable

Place where happened the Japanese nuclear incident in 2011

Fukushima Daiichi in Japan was the nuclear incident in 2011.

Trying to join your site seems impossible :(
On which calendar is based the Chinese new year ?

The Chinese New Year is based upon the lunar calender. Or if you Google it the Chinese calendar, but I thought that was a silly answer. Neither of them seem acceptable

Place where happened the Japanese nuclear incident in 2011

Fukushima Daiichi in Japan was the nuclear incident in 2011.

Trying to join your site seems impossible :(

Don't over think it. (i.e. location in Japan = Fukushima)
Unfortunately yes. I think XenForo will have to rewrite a big part of its code to support a simple command to disable autolinking via bbcodes...

OK.... Was not sure as Custom BB Code Manager last update suggest you had a part in it and just assumed that maybe you included that fix in it.

Thanks for the quick reply :)
Oupsss I didn't see you were pointing a direct post inside the thread of the autolinking patch.
NO you don't have to modify anymore the Custom BbCodes Manager.
Please enter an ID using only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ characters.

^ Got this error when trying to import

I have 1 feature request.

The image block and image captioning only seems to have the opinion for hot linking. I'd love it if this also worked with attachments. As I normally prefer people upload and not hot link to images which can be changed (as I've seen some spammers do).
I have 1 feature request.

The image block and image captioning only seems to have the opinion for hot linking. I'd love it if this also worked with attachments. As I normally prefer people upload and not hot link to images which can be changed (as I've seen some spammers do).
I don't have time to implement something complex, but if you want I can release immediately a system which would work like this:

It will be manual: the user will have to type the id or to use the attach bbcode.
The attach bbcode can be automatically inserted when the user press the attachment buttons "full" or "thumbnail" but on TinyMCE it will directly display a picture (only at the first time).
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