Admin permissions not working


Well-known member
Hi there, I have tried to add a new admin to the forum assigning him only some option but loging in with his account I have seen that the admin panel for him have all sections enabled. Is it a bug or I have made something wrong?
Yes possible, because before to do this last test, I have disabled my few plugins that are 4 because is a Xenforo fresh installation and in this plugins there was also the importer.

In each way I think that it could be also useful to add in the admincp a button to logout from the admincp panel fro this kind of problems.
I have tested also to re-enable those plugins to see if was this the problem, but in the end is working as intended also with these plugins enabled, so the problem was that was necessary to logout from the admincp before, clear the cookies and then login again to check the new permissions of the Test user. So for this couod be good to add a button to logout also from admincp.
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