XF 2.1 Add reporter and username to the reported thread title


Active member
In XF1.5 we modified the phrase reported_thread_title to include the username of the post being reported, and the reporter:

Report: {title} by {username} - reported by: {reporter}

In XF2.1 username and reporter are not passing through to the thread title. They ARE there in the content of the post, but not the title.

How do we get them into the title of the report thread please?

It looks like the title is created in - /public_html/src/XF/Service/Report/Creator.php - line 157:

Rich (BB code):
$title = \XF::phrase('reported_thread_title', ['title' => $handler->getContentTitle($report)])->render('raw');

How would we put username and reporter into there?
In XF2.1 username and reporter are not passing through to the thread title. They ARE there in the content of the post, but not the title.

You need this one: (FreeAddon) :D
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