Combine reports to forum into one thread per reported post


We use the feature that turns reports into a thread in a specified forum. I prefer this approach because it fits more naturally with how other forum discussions occur. However, one major issue is that we often get many reports for the same behavior (e.g., spam), resulting in many threads for a single post. There are two options that could work: only allow a post to be reported once or combine all reports of a single post into a single thread. I prefer the latter option, so my proposal is:

When a post is reported, a new thread is created only if a thread doesn't already exist for that post. Otherwise, the new report is added as a reply to the existing thread.
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Seeing as though this is a suggestion I'll offer my 2c. I wouldn't allow posts to be reported only once.

Combining into a single thread is good though - I'm surprised it doesn't do this already.
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