AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock]

AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] [Paid] v2.0.5

No permission to buy ($15.00)
The notice CSS styling is actually in template: wutime_adblock_top_notice (the html anyways)
Where is background color for notice in there?
<div class="{{$wutime_adblock_top}}" style="display:none;">
    <div class="{{$wutime_notice_content}}">
        <xf:if is="$xf.options.wutime_adblock_allow_prompt_close">
            <a class="{{$wutime_adblock_close}}" href="#" onClick="$('.{{$wutime_adblock_top}}').hide();">&#10006;</a>
        <div style="padding:10px;" class="userBanner userBanner--red">
            <span class="fas fa-info-square fa-2x fa-lg" style=" vertical-align: middle;"></span>
            <span class="my-text fa-lg"><b>{{ phrase('wutime_adblock_phrase_detected') }}</b></span>
            {{ phrase('wutime_adblock_phrase_notice_message') }}

I could move it to a template if that makes things easier.
Please do
One of my friend recommended it, I've also checked & loved the key-randomization mechanism to prevent adblockers even to disable via element :) . . .
Now your constant updates seems to making me purchase it next :) :coffee:
Hello @Wutime, I have a pre-sale question because I don't understood the feature list:
I have an ad only on forum list. Is it possible to show the notice only on this page? Because if the notice will be seen in all parts of website would be annoying for many users.
Hello @Wutime, I have a pre-sale question because I don't understood the feature list:
I have an ad only on forum list. Is it possible to show the notice only on this page? Because if the notice will be seen in all parts of website would be annoying for many users.

@FedericoGB25 I should be able to incorporate this in the next release, out of curiosity, what do you mean by forum list page? Is that your forum homepage as in or?
Key detection is randomized between updates to prevent community adblockers from globally detecting the anti-adblock.
No, not necessarily. The key is just randomized so the adblocker programmers don’t pick up on a common key to ignore.
Ahh okay so we should update each time otherwise it becomes ineffictive?

More than likely it works fine for your domain, so no, you don't have to update.

Read through the list of features and if it's not something that interests you, you can just wait until the next update.

Pretty much what @ozzy47 said :)
This is awesome, thank you.

A small recommendation would be to allow an option for instruction for people to disable adblock. "Help me disable adblock". I've saw that on a few websites and thought it was pretty cool.

This is awesome, thank you.

A small recommendation would be to allow an option for instruction for people to disable adblock. "Help me disable adblock". I've saw that on a few websites and thought it was pretty cool.


It's a good idea, thank you. I'm actually working on a big update for this add-on now so that'll have to wait. But yes, some automatically added help files for "how to disable adblock" would be helpful.
Wutime updated AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] with a new update entry:

1.9.8 Alpha - Well-tested but lots of new features

  • Automatically generates JavaScript every 6 hours by Cron
  • Features optional secondary detection method
  • Automatically randomizes all filenames and folders
  • Automatically deletes old JavaScript (defaults to 24 hours old)
  • Automatically deletes all JavaScript on uninstall
  • Updated defaults for new installs
  • Added uninstall routine

Read the rest of this update entry...
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