AdBlock Detector Pro

AdBlock Detector Pro [Paid] v2.4.2

No permission to buy ($40.00)
I've been running this addon for a couple weeks, since my upgrade from xf1.5 to xf2.1, it has been great.

Initially I was displaying a notice, no block, in order to give users time to adjust. Then switched it over to a block, with a 1-second delay.

It has stopped almost all adblock usage, with the exception of one user. He has been noticeably impacted, but has been able to post and isn't showing any non-detects (using your tracker addon as well). Is there anything that I should look for in the logs or profile?
Nothing I can think of, but I will say, as well as it works in many cases it's not completely fool proof to some clients.
Hello, this looks like a solid add-on and I'm very interested in purchasing but really require one feature which I found very useful on a similar add-on I had for my XF1 sites -- can you please add an option to set a time window for nagging (i.e. nag every X minutes or hours). With that option I was able to have the nag message appear once a month, for example. Thanks for considering!
Hi, what are the detailed file permissions for this setting?

Automatically randomize JavaScript

This feature will automatically randomize the filenames and locations of JavaScript files.
This feature requires the default folder permissions for the /js/ folder, and a working Cron.
Doesn't matter what permission i set to the /js/ and /js/wutime_adblock/ folders (chown nobody, chmod 777) at the moment that i activate this feature there is always an adblocker detected even if no one is running.
Doesn't matter what permission i set to the /js/ and /js/wutime_adblock/ folders (chown nobody, chmod 777) at the moment that i activate this feature there is always an adblocker detected even if no one is running.
For most hosting it'll just work because XF needs to overwrite files when running install/update.

Typically it should just work but it can depend on your setup.

Are you running suPHP perhaps? Is the add-on feature enabled in options?
XenForo is running on our own root server with very restrictive permission setup. XenForo only has the absoulty needed write permissions. Add-on Installation/update is not possible thru the web interface only be copying file in the right place in a terminal window.

I can change permissions but i don't want to change it to nobody 777 for the complete webtree. For which directories / files does your addon need write permissions for this feature to work?
XenForo is running on our own root server with very restrictive permission setup. XenForo only has the absoulty needed write permissions. Add-on Installation/update is not possible thru the web interface only be copying file in the right place in a terminal window.

I can change permissions but i don't want to change it to nobody 777 for the complete webtree. For which directories / files does your addon need write permissions for this feature to work?
Yes, unfortunately, to dynamically create folders the permissions would be required. The only alternative is to disable that feature of the addon so it doesn't attempt to create such folders.
But for which base folders these permissions are required? Your Addon for sure does not write randomly in the complete folder structure of the whole XenForo installation.
I've always thought that it would be helpful to remove certain features when adblock is detected. Like displaying images for example. Images could be replaced with an adblock nag image.
Probably not a lot that can be done, but so many in my forum are recommending using duckduckgo to get around this plugin detecting them
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