XF 2.0 Abstracted to absolute path


Active member
how can i get absolute path for abstracted paths like this: "internal-data://direcory/file.txt"?
It's not really possible. The thing to bear in mind is that the actual file may be hosted off-site so there's a good possibility that wherever it resolves to isn't useful.

Presumably you're wanting to do something to the file locally and perhaps write it back. In which case you'd do this:
$tempFile = \XF\Util\File::copyAbstractedPathToTempFile('internal-data://direcory/file.txt');
$fp = fopen($tempFile, 'a');
fwrite($fp, 'Hello world!');
\XF\Util\File::copyFileToAbstractedPath($tempFile, 'internal-data://direcory/file.txt');
Thank you for your answer.
What i am trying to do is some "cleanup" when user are deleting a post and then i am trying to delete files in the internal-data path.
I tried to use $this->App()->fs()->delete("internal-data://some-data/1/2/1_2_*") but looks like wildcards are not allowed here and i get "file not found" error.

Any ideas on how to do this are welcome.

I want to use the internal-data abstraction because its an addon and i obviously doesnt know the absolute path in the final installation.
Wildcards wouldn't be possible as such, but you can use the Flysystem manager to list the contents of a directory, so you could do something like this:
$contents = \XF::app()->fs()->listContents('internal-data://some-data/1/2');
foreach ($contents AS $content)
   if ($content['type'] != 'file')

   if (strpos($content['filename'], '1_2_') === 0)
      \XF::app()->fs()->delete('internal-data://' . $content['path']);
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