Lack of interest Ability To "Sticky" Media Items In Gallery

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Well-known member
Was suggested by one of our members, actually:
We have a almost full control on our media albums, and we can organize everything, But I was thinking to add (If possible) a "sticky" option.

It will allows us to stick our favorite work or the work that we want to be in the first page of the album. Yes we have the organization option but it will require organization every time we upload a new media.

I think it would be pretty neat to have a sticky feature on media items, just like threads. As the user explains, you can organize but you need to re-organize whenever you upload new items to the album. However, if you wish to display your favorite work or feature a fixed set to always show first in the gallery you need to re-organize each and every time.

P.S: Searched for 'pin' 'stick' 'sticky' 'pinned' on the suggestions forum and didn't come up with any existing suggestions, if one exists already then sorry!
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