XF 2.2 Mirrored media gallery and permissions


We have a mirrored gallery for our photo sharing section, which is wonderful and works well.

However, some members are uploading images directly into it, manually, which is not what we want. That's what personal albums are for.

So yesterday I changed permissions for the mirrored gallery to prevent people adding pics to it. However, what I didn't expect to happen (since the gallery is mirrored and people aren't adding the pics themselves) is that now every pic posted on the board needs approval before it can be mirrored. So I woke up this morning to an approval queue as long as my arm. I had to change permissions back.

I still want to prevent people adding pics to that gallery themselves though. How can I accomplish this? Or can it not be done?
I just set this one to NO for the concerned category, all other permissions are set to inherit.


No approval needed, works fine.
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