A Pain in the Rear ...


Well-known member
Monday is going to be a pain in the rear - a full colonoscopy. After starting to limit intake of high fiber foods, I took two tablets of dulcolax at 7pm last night. This morning is the start of a 24 hour of fluids only diet.

"Let's hope it all comes out okay.

Sorry - couldn't resist.

So - here's to a great couple of days. (y)
keep us posted mate

quick note - when you feel strained - breathe out long and hard.
just that
it does several things - clears your lungs so the next breath is a deep in breath with energy
breathing out is very relaxing - breathing in isnt
breathing out can make you feel a sense of release of anxiety - the gut relaxes

people talk about complicated breathing exercises / prana and all that
jus breathe out.
Here's a friend of mine really talented at takin it easy. She'll keep you company for a bit.

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