A guide to XenForo 1.2 and templates

A guide to XenForo 1.2 and templates

To modify styles it is recommended to just edit the templates directly. The system for merging custom changes into an updated template is incredibly simple.
have you any hints about my question or do you think that is a proper way to do proceed with a restyle?
Well... I reformulate :D
How do you manage a restyle?
I think that can be usefull information for people interested on templates managment, think about to add it (in some spare time of course) ;).
This guide is complete and has served its purpose. It won't be having anything added to it.
Chris is correct. For the new thinking of XF 1.2 this guide says it all. The focus changed to direct template editing.
Master style = full set of XF templates plus styling properties
Alternate style created by user = complete copy of master style with changes added by direct editing
To manage a specific style you export it as needed.
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