A few quick vB migration pre-sales questions


Active member
Hello XF'ers!

Really impressed with XF, its speed on some of the bigger boards Ive checked out, and the fresh feel it has.

A few quick questions before I pry open my wallet for a license!
1. Ive got a fairly large board with 59k members, and 19.5M posts in vB 3.X. Will the importer work for me?
2. My forum relies heavily on the iTrader plugin. Is there anything like that for XF, or can I import those tables from my vB install?
3. The *most* important issue - my forum has members utilizing the Paid Subscription feature of vB to have added features. How do these port over, if at all?

Any help is truly appreciated!
Thanks for the quick reply Brogan!

I see there is a "User Upgrades" feature within the XF core. Theres no way to tie that into the current user subscription data in vB?
You can use cloudfront with your forums without hassle, I use it on my sites. If you are talking about storing attachments or other user-uploaded content, there is an add-on available to allow you to store elsewhere.
For which one? To store attachments, avatars, etc. on a separate CDN will require an add-on. However, if you use Cloudfront to serve your content, no, that is possible without changes.
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