XF 1.2 A few questions

Pierre Boulanger

Active member
I got my license and within the next couple of days i will instal my XF (migrating from phpbb)

If there is no problem please let me use this thread to post my inquiries :)

1) Is there an add on to make the embedded image which is in a standard size( i.e. 640x480) to be resized when click on it?
Please check the first image

2) In phpbb there is an add on

3) I'm also looking for Browser Language Detection (enables the browser language detection for guest users not to use the default language of the board)

4) Add on for mobile optimization (browsing XF from mobile devices)

5) Guests and members for the Past 24 hours on index. Is it supported in 1.2 or i have to use [url=http://xenforo.com/community/resources/who-has-visited-in-last-24-hours.1442/]this one[/url]

6) Hide Bots & Spiders

7) Aligning the pictures to the upper left/right side? (Please see here )

Thanks in advance for the support once again

I will strike back(y)
1. All embedded images fit the container and zoom to full size when clicked. You can restrict the size using EXTRA.css if you wish:
.bbCodeImage {
max-width: 640px;
max-height: 480px;

2. ?

3. Requires an add-on.

4. Answered above.

5. Requires an add-on.

6. Requires an add-on.

7. Requires custom BB Code add-on. I use this one: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/custom-bb-code-manager.173/
Is it possible to change boards text size and fonts (i.e. arial). Are quite small (see below)


Too small for me
The 50 character limit will need to be increased in the template, possibly datawriter (php file) and database.
It's potentially not a simple change.

The spectacles icon is 1.2 only - make sure you are running that and have updated the sprite image if so.
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