[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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Great application. One little niggle.


Could we get the same charset thing that sets the comma in place on the regular forum?
In forum its shown as 62,483 views. On the portal its shown as 62483.
Also, in my news posts I have an iframe...so can anyone advise how I could strip out of the content displayed in the Recent News Block the iframe tags and everything in-between them?...thanks
Can anyone advise if there is a way to display the Recent News Block in a 2 column wide format?

I've been looking at that myself. I think I have a clumsy way of doing it, will let you know if I'm successful.

Would be so much easier if we could adjust the layout and also copy modules. I've asked about the former but have had no response I can remember yet.
I've been looking at that myself. I think I have a clumsy way of doing it, will let you know if I'm successful.

Would be so much easier if we could adjust the layout and also copy modules. I've asked about the former but have had no response I can remember yet.
CFodder, I have it in a vb site that I have using vbAdvanced CMPS. I did it using this code:
<vb:if condition="$newscount % 2">
    <table cellpadding="0" width="100%"> 
            <td valign="top" style="border:1px solid #e9e9e9;"> 
<vb:else />
            <td valign="top" width="50%" style="border:1px solid #e9e9e9;"> 
                <h2 class="blockrow">
                    <a style="color:#930000;" href="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/{vb:link thread, {vb:raw news}}"><b><font size="3">{vb:raw news.title}</font></b></a><br />
                    <i><font size="1">{vb:raw news.dateposted} - {vb:rawphrase by_x, {vb:link member, {vb:raw news}, null, 'postuserid', 'postusername'}, {vb:raw news.postusername}}</font></i>
                <div class="blockrow">
                    <blockquote class="postcontent restore">{vb:raw news.message}</blockquote>
<vb:if condition="$newscount % 2 != 1">
It based on a variable that it has of $newscount and I am sure there would be something similar in this mod as you can define how many entries to display...with the above code, the number of entries to be shown has to be an even number for it to display correctly.

Just in case this helps
i just installed xen porta but it doesnt show up on the forum section, only the home section. i also added the template codes to thread_view and forum_view, do you know what is wrong?​
Can someone advise how I would exclude Sticky Threads from the list of threads in the RecentThreads block?
Can someone advise how I would exclude Sticky Threads from the list of threads in the RecentThreads block?


$whereConditions = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Thread')->prepareThreadConditions($conditions, $fetchOptions);

Directly after add:

$whereConditions .= ' AND thread.sticky != 1 ';
Is it possible for the slide.jpg (or any other image, for that matter) to be used as a lead photograph for an article without it being included on the portal page? In other words, can slide.jpg be attached, used as the small photo on the main portal page and as the slider photo, and then also be embedded at the top of the article on the thread page? Or would that cause the photo to show up full-size on the portal page, as well?

Also, is there a way to get a photo to show up in place of the poster's avatar WITHOUT having to name it slide.jpg and therefore having it show up in the recent news slider?
Just installed Xenporta and XenAtendo since using the xendynamic WP theme and I'm loving it, I have a custom sidebar thing (Teamspeak server) that is on my Forums list but not on the Home page is there any way to add a custom widget to the sidebar?

Specifially I'm trying to put this code into a block, I tried creating a block but it either messes up the page when I just paste it into the block, like the entire page is pushed to the right (as in I have to scroll to the right to see the page) and the block I added is in the top left instead of where I assigned the block to be at

This is the code that gametracker gives you to post it onto a webpage
<iframe src="http://cache.www.gametracker.com/components/html0/?host=" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="240" height="348"></iframe>
Having a slight problem with html blocks, set one up with tabs on the portal page however the tabs just display all the content below each other instead of in the separate tabs. If I just add the code to the sidebar for forums etch the tabs work fine so it appears to be something to do with the portal.

Any help would be appreciated.

$whereConditions = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Thread')->prepareThreadConditions($conditions, $fetchOptions);

Directly after add:

$whereConditions .= ' AND thread.sticky != 1 ';
Thanks Boban, I will give it a try...Also, with your User Albums block for the portal, is there any way I can make that random instead of latest images?
i got this error again n again my my server error log

Error Info
ErrorException: Undefined index: forum - library/EWRporta/ControllerPublic/Forum.php:14
Generated By: Administrator, Today at 2:35 PM
Stack Trace
#0 /home/content/18/8757918/html/library/EWRporta/ControllerPublic/Forum.php(14): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()
#1 /home/content/18/8757918/html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(310): EWRporta_ControllerPublic_Forum->actionIndex(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#2 /home/content/18/8757918/html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(132): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch()
#3 /home/content/18/8757918/html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#4 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(44) "http://www.dayareurdu.com/forums/-/index.rss"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {

also i m getting error in global rss feed

anyone help please
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