[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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I am having difficulty understanding the layouts feature of XenPorta. I have read the Userguide and FAQ's numerous times as well as searched this thread. All I am trying to do is have the recent news block span across both the mid-left and mid-right sections of the main portal page, but I can't find how to do this or if it is even possible. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.
How do I make it so that only threads promoted from certain forums are put into article view while when threads from certain other forums are promoted they don't get put into article view.

I've tried enabling "Forum" in "Globalized Custom Layouts" and creating a custom layout for certain forums but they don't seem to have an effect.
Styling issues in XenPorta which I think should be fixed:

  • RecentNews block doesn't have a sidebar view. Content can't fit there.
  • .newsDate element is static. That means if there is a left sidebar it will cover this block. Position should be relative.
  • .recentNews .leftDate .newsDate has a negaive left margin. It should be set to zero when we enter responsive widths, otherwise it looks clipped.
  • «Continue reading...» button has a lot of white space so there's just a lot of extra space under the button. To fix that we need to add this .recentNews .sectionFooter .continue { white-space; nowrap; }
Is there any way to install a second instance of XenPorta? I have another section of my forum i need a portal page for.
Newer install of XF 1.3 and latest Xenportal. When i go to install any of the RawHyperText xml's i get an error saying they are not valid files. What am i doing wrong ?
So I just turned on XenPorta and while it works great, it has now messed with my URL paths. What once was "http://www.bareefers.org/forum/index.php" is now "http://www.bareefers.org/forum/index.php?forums/." I'm not entirely sure what the issue is but my guess is that this is due to the fact of where the forums are installed in the file directory. So would it be as easy as moving the file folder up a folder or two?

Also, I'd like to finally get off of not using full friendly URLs and would love to have "http://www.bareefers.org/forum/" instead of "http://www.bareefers.org/forum/index.php."

Any direction would be greatly appreciated! If it helps any, the folder path that the forum is installed on is /home/bar/www/forum and my Index Page Route (from Basic Board Information) points to /portal.
upgraded to xenforo 1.3 and I cant set xenporta as index.
Index (index > portal) is checked
any help?

ACP -> Options -> Basic Board Information -> Set Index Page Route to portal/
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Then you are not in


Having this issue too, and I *am* in
xenForo 1.3.0 / xenPorta 1.6.0

xF installed in example.com/community/ with a header() redirect in example.com/index.php
The reason I asked is I heard that the image slider was not working properly for some people. Is the "RecentFeatures" block working properly in XF 1.3?
I've been trying to make it so that Xenporta routes you to the Portal page instead of the Forums page, however, the configuration toggle is not available in the configuration file. Anyone know how to fix this?
I've been trying to make it so that Xenporta routes you to the Portal page instead of the Forums page, however, the configuration toggle is not available in the configuration file. Anyone know how to fix this?

This is a change with XF1.3/XP1.6 - in previous versions these options were solely in the XenPorta configuration. This has now (partially) moved to the XenForo options.

The changes needed (after an upgrade - which I did this week) are both on admin.php?options/list/basicBoard
  • Set Index Page Route to "portal/" (without the quotes)
  • Check "Use Full Friendly URLs"
This restored my site to running the way it was before the upgrade (XF1.1/XP1.5)

XenPorta as an application had no issues - simply some shuffling of options that took a while to get a handle on via a test installation (and you all do test installs before sending this stuff live, right? :) )
How do I make it so that only threads promoted from certain forums are put into article view while when threads from certain other forums are promoted they don't get put into article view.

I've tried enabling "Forum" in "Globalized Custom Layouts" and creating a custom layout for certain forums but they don't seem to have an effect.
Quick question, in my Recent News block I have a picture. However, on my portal my picture is very small and off to the right. How can I make it so my picture (on the portal page) is in the post and maybe just resized automatically to fit?
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