[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki)

[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) 1.3.9a

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any news about this addon ?
is it fully compatible with XF 1.4.x ?

i'm not sure what Jaxel's situation is, but I can tell you he's been posting (somewhat sparsely) around the xenforo boards, but he has repeatedly ignored questions on ANY of his plugins for months now. I also paid the 30 bucks into his crowdfunding campaign, and it looks like everyone is getting screwed on that too, since despite raising over the 4k he set his goal at, no one has heard anything about the new portal plugin he was supposed to be developing since February.

like digital doctor said, jaxel used to be one of the best and most reliable plugin developers for XF, but to not respond to paid user request for a plugin ETA in over 8 months is completely unacceptable, and i've completely given up on either getting my money back or seeing any workable plugins of his ever getting updated. you should consider anything he made abandoned.
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Please upgrade 1.4.3

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