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[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

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Okay... i'm looking for people to beta test the new version... if you're interested, send me a message on AIM...

AIM: BadBreath911

I also want to re-iterate to all those interested... THIS NEXT VERSION IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE OLD VERSION! You MUST uninstall the old version before installing the new version.
Hello, Jaxel. I am interested in trying the new portal.
Do it through post because I get error xenforo in firefox, shown in the attachment, to start a conversation with anyone (bug report in http://xenforo.com/community/threads/editor-missing-in-nightly-firefox-64-bits.20309/).


Thanks in advance, whatever your decision.

Hi Jaxel,
Sent you a message via aim. I've had to shoot out to work though so cant reply. Would be great to be on the beta trial.
On the 8wayrun.com main site, what module is it that gives you the changing topic list at the top?

I tried all the default ones that are installed, but most of 'em don't have anything / don't appear or just don't do anything.
On the 8wayrun.com main site, what module is it that gives you the changing topic list at the top?

I tried all the default ones that are installed, but most of 'em don't have anything / don't appear or just don't do anything.


look in the distribution package, you must add it manually.
I can't seem to get recentslider.xml to work properly? Or am I missing something? I just shows up in the portal view as a blank black line.

EDIT: Oh, nevermind. I clearly missed the part where you had to attach the image to the post.
It doesn't show signatures...

Oh odd i swear I saw it...

Just a little script i whipped up :)

On my page i want to put some text in the pagination box on the right. SO basically to have the text in the same box but aligned to the right, which template section do i edit for that specific bit?


Sorry to bug but i really cannot find it anywhere?
So it looks like this next version of XenPorta is going to be the LARGEST update yet... So much that it will not be compatible with the old versions. If you want to install the new version, you're going to have to uninstall the old version first.

When you go for this new version which I assume will have a version bump. Can you please move to a new thread where you reserve the first 3-4 posts so you can put changelogs into those? The current thread just doesn't work anymore as trying to find the releasenotes is damned near impossible until XF supports in thread searching.

Also I would love to beta test the xenporta but I don't use aim or any other im for that matter.
Need to figure out on how to make my new modules for it anyhow.
When you go for this new version which I assume will have a version bump.
Good idea.
Can you please move to a new thread where you reserve the first 3-4 posts so you can put changelogs into those?
Ahh yes. The never ending problem.
It is really weird forums never tackled this issue.
IDEA: Getting rid of Reserved.

The current thread just doesn't work anymore as trying to find the releasenotes is damned near impossible until XF supports in thread searching.
I think things got too haywire after page 7.
Can you imagine trying to get all the important information if you just installed XenPorta today ?
I also want to re-iterate to all those interested... THIS NEXT VERSION IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE OLD VERSION! You MUST uninstall the old version before installing the new version.
Will the OLD XenPorta MODS / Addons be compatible ?
All ? Some ? None ?
I also want to re-iterate to all those interested... THIS NEXT VERSION IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE OLD VERSION! You MUST uninstall the old version before installing the new version.
About this...I'm worried. Since when I tried to delete XenPorta before (around 3 weeks back) from my board it gave me an error...
[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

But I'm not so sure now xD I don't want to delete it from my live site since its being used. I'll let you know after the new XenPorta is released if I can't delete the current version...would the only option be deleting tables in db? :P
Will the OLD XenPorta MODS / Addons be compatible ?
All ? Some ? None ?

I guess this means no nothing is going to work.

I am sorry to say, but with this new release, there has been a massive change to the XML structure of module blocks. Its more like XenForo itself now, instead of that hack **** I was doing before. Here is an example of the new XMLs...

That is why I am also hoping to get beta access. I have 3 modules I will have to rewrite.
I guess this means no nothing is going to work.

That is why I am also hoping to get beta access. I have 3 modules I will have to rewrite.

I created a module and it worked fine in the new beta. Just had to spend around 1 minute adding it via the new create block system.
I have made the release candidate for XenPorta v1.5.0 (I decided to bump the version number) available in the first post of this thread. Since this is technically a beta, you shouldn't be installing it unless you are absolutely comfortable. It is a release candidate and not a full release because it requires a few template edits until XenForo v1.1.0. And even then, when XenForo v1.1.0 comes out, the template hooks may have different names, or not even exist at all.

Didn't know whether to post this in the XenPorta thread or here so I'll post it here first. It is a styling issue.

My Logo displays fine in Firefox, and in IE8 it displays fine on all pages except for the Portal/Home where it's offset, and the Nav bars are overlapped. If someone could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
If it's the portal page only and works on all other pages then it's a portal issue (I've merged the threads).
Yep, you're right Brogan. I kinda figure that but wasn't sure. And I just figured it out. It was a module I created for the sidebar in the portal, displays fine if I disable the module. Back to the drawing board on that module. (Didn't think of that until after I posted, doh!)

Thanks for your reply Brogan!
Check your markup.
It could be something as simple as an unclosed div.

Use a text editor such as Notepad++ which will automatically highlight closing elements when you click on the opening element.
Thanks Brogan! Sometimes it's the simple things that throw me the biggest curves. And you were right, I missed closing a div. Fixed it and everything is working perfect.
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