As I said... I have no issues with people telling me about bugs; bugs are clearly my fault and I have no problems hearing about them, or fixing them; feature requests either. My problem is that many of the "bugs" people post aren't bugs at all, but their failure to read the instructions, or even look at their available options. If I take the time to stop and explain simple things, like the permissions system for XenForo, how to upgrade a mod, or how to customize skins, to everyone who asks, I'll never get anything done. Not to mention, that has nothing to do with this mod, and I shouldn't have to hold people's hands.
You ever see that show "The IT Crowd"? Everytime someone calls, they begrudgingly answer the phone and the first thing they say is "IT, did you try turning it off and on again?". This is honestly how most people in tech support feel. Yes, I know, its a TV show, a comedy, and it's a joke... but thats honestly very close to the first thing many in tech support ask: "is it plugged in correctly?".
guess what, not everyone is going to have the same level of understanding when they are customers.
And yes, people will ask dumb questions, but if you start taking that out on all customers, you won't have any.
Instead of ignoring, simply say....sounds like you have an issue that is unrelated to the mod, be sure to check permissions etc.
again, SAY what support you offer, and in the least ACKNOWLEDGE peoples problems, rather than just ignoring them as you have half of the issues in this thread.
And just because someone wrote instructions, doesn't mena they are easy to follow.
and bottom line if you can't get stuff done due to customer are doing to much.
make your producets more user friendly, compile faqs or a wiki, put some simple videos together...rather than expecting people to read through 1100 posts and 57 pages to find an answer
I don't watch the IT crowd because i don't have time for much tv (maybe you would have more time for customers if you watched less???)
But sounds like they are the stereotypical pompous nerds who know ONE thing about life and have to belittle others for not knowing it. I bet those guys don't have many friends, dates, or know much outside of IT do they? They aren't very successful clearly, or else they would be RUNNING a company and not working in one...thjey would hire people to do support instead of doing it themselves...think about that.
Yes people will say "I don't see an 'any' key" and you can call it PICNIC and I-D ten - T, hahahahaha big joke
in the end, they are the ones that make your paycheck...and if you are unemployed, it would seem you would strie to make your "employers" ie customers, a little more comfortable with providing you a paycheck
again its just my 2¢ and the good thing about the global economy...if you don't want to too "busy" to give your customers with good product and excellent support, someone else gladly will come along and do it for you...then you won't be harrassed any more with people who failed to read instructions.
I hate to be a party pooper but ..... This mod is free with no warranty. Jason isn't getting anything out of this
If people want good support then you should pay a modder to build a custom script for you (or pay for support). Don't expect anything out of something that is free
Jason great a developer myself, I can understand your frustrations and thought process. I'd love to help you out in any way-maybe you should consider setting up. A GITHUB repository with their free bug tracker?