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[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

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+2 hours is my current setting. If thought if I set to "now" it would slow down the page loads. Should I change it?
Yes, it should be now... I am working on a cache bypass function for the next version so you will be able to cache it.
Hi there,

is it possible that this code for the extra.css isn't working anymore? So i have updated to Flexile RC3, checked my extra.css if there is the code in there. Everything semmed ok, but the portal Page isn't shown correctly. The boder of each News Post in Recent News is Missing and there is a white background behind the news posts.

Maybe someone could help me with that, would be great :)


Here is a link to my website http://www.onlinegilde.net/portal/

    .EWRporta_Portal .breadBoxBottom {
        border: 1px solid @lightMonochrome;
        border-radius: 6px;
        box-shadow: 0 0 12px rgba(0,0,0,.1);
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

    .EWRporta_Portal .breadBoxBottom .breadcrumb {
        border-radius: 6px;
        border: none;

    #content.EWRporta_Portal .pageContent {
        padding: 0;
        background: none;
        border: none;
        border-radius: 0;
        -moz-box-shadow: none;
        -webkit-box-shadow: none;
        box-shadow: none;

    .EWRporta_Portal .centerShift { margin-left: {xen:calc '@sidebar.width + 15'}px !important; }
    .EWRporta_Portal .section:first-child { margin: 0px auto 15px !important; }
    .EWRporta_Portal .section:last-child { margin: 15px auto 0px !important; }

    .EWRporta_Portal #recentNews .recentNews.sectionMain
        background-color: transparent;
        border: 0px;
        border-radius: 0px;
        box-shadow: none;
        -khtml-box-shadow: none;
        padding: 0px;
    .EWRporta_Portal #recentNews .sectionFooter
        border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;
        border-bottom-right-radius: 6px;
        margin: 10px -15px -16px !important;
    .EWRporta_Portal #recentNews .subHeading,
    .EWRporta_Portal #recentThreads .sectionHeaders
        border: 0px;
        {xen:property sidebarBlockHeading}
    .EWRporta_Portal #recentNews .subHeading a,
    .EWRporta_Portal #recentThreads .sectionHeaders a
        {xen:property sidebarBlockHeading.font}

    .EWRporta_Portal #recentThreads.sectionMain { padding: 0px 0px 10px; }
    .EWRporta_Portal #recentThreads .sectionHeaders
        padding-left: 0px;
        padding-right: 0px;
        margin: 0px;
    .EWRporta_Portal #recentThreads .sectionHeaders a span { padding: 0px 10px; }
    .EWRporta_Portal #recentThreads .sectionHeaders .lastPost { width: 160px; }
    .EWRporta_Portal #recentThreads ol.discussionListItems { margin: 0px 10px; }
One thing that might help....in the ACP --> Appearance tab --> Style Properties --> Flexile Style Properties their is a box that says Enable support for 8wayRun addons. You might want to try checking that box if it isn't already.

If that doesn't work I sugguest you ask Erik (creator of Flexile). If you are using the normal Flexile template try using this thread http://xenforo.com/community/threads/flexile.7164/page-19
Thanks so far!

I should have mentioned, that before the style update to "Version Flexile RC3" everthing workes fine. So all settings are set and have worked so far. But I also checked them right now.

I thought due the style updated to RC3 some code changed and because of that the css mentioned before stoped working correctly. So I would like to know, if I am the only one with this problem, or if this is a known problem. So the css code was published here by Jaxel, I thought I ask here first ;)

Thanks so far!

I should have mentioned, that before the style update to "Version Flexile RC3" everthing workes fine. So all settings are set and have worked so far. But I also checked them right now.

I thought due the style updated to RC3 some code changed and because of that the css mentioned before stoped working correctly. So I would like to know, if I am the only one with this problem, or if this is a known problem. So the css code was published here by Jaxel, I thought I ask here first ;)

Id say thats right mate. Next release of XF is going to be the first official release. So all templates, mods will be updated when that happens. Id say withing the next week or two
Well. I installed this, half the modules wouldn't even work when I enabled them...
Ive had this mod since day 1 and I can assure you everything is solid. Like mentioned above some modules require other add-ons otherwise they will not work. If you need any help send me a pm
Well. I installed this, half the modules wouldn't even work when I enabled them...

If the modules appear to not be working, you are most likely doing something wrong. Since the XF forums are still in beta, they don't have a clear set of instructions. The same is true for Jaxel's XenPorta line along with the supporting Xen add-ons. There are many inter-dependencies to understand, and you will need to do a bit of work to learn and understand them all. For example, your Media cloud APPEARS not to work at first because you have no media uploaded. Once you upload some videos, the cloud works and shows tags.

If you have any specific questions feel free to ask. But you should really sit down and read the appropriate thread from beginning to end first, starting with the XenPorta thread. If you are unwilling or unable to put forth that effort, then you wont be very happy with these add-ons.
i have this installed & all the of the modules seem to be working but how do I promote threads? I've looked all over here for directions & everywhere on my site that I feel i'd find a "promote to homepage" link. I can see in the CP where you can set a forum to pull news stories but I'd like to be able to promote them there from anywhere.

PS - i've given myself permission to promote but i'm still not seeing anything. :(
I found the conflict.

It's the template edit to add a "New Thread" button to thread_view. both buttons were on top of one another.
OK I finally got it to work. :) Thank you!

Just noticed a few minor bugs: phrase thread_options doesn't exist. It'd be nice to just have a Promote Thread / Unpromote Thread button instead of date selection. And it doesn't detect if the thread is already promoted... Anyhow, great stuff thank you!
OK I finally got it to work. :) Thank you!

Just noticed a few minor bugs: phrase thread_options doesn't exist. It'd be nice to just have a Promote Thread / Unpromote Thread button instead of date selection. And it doesn't detect if the thread is already promoted... Anyhow, great stuff thank you!

I am not clear on what you mean. The system does have a Promote Thread and Delete Promote (i.e. unpromote thread) button. And it does detect if the thread is already promoted. The date/time stamp is offered to provide you more control over when the thread appears on your main page.

The button changes to thread_options after you promote a thread. But if you re-visit that thread it says "Promote Thread" like it hasn't already been promoted...
I am looking for feature to provide newsletter that can be subscribed to and distributed via email. Jaxel, can you do it?
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