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[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

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Is there a way to get thread prefixes to show on the /community/portal page? You can see in the image that the thread prefix shows in "recent threads" but I'd like it to be next to the headline for the promoted thread also.

I have updated xenporta but now the option for me to administrate modules is missing, as is the permission. The only permissions I have listed for XenPorta are Can Customize Portal and Can Promote Thread. Did something change or am I overlooking something?
One more thing. Sorry for spamming your thread. I have updated it but now the option for me to administrate modules is missing, as is the permission. The only permissions I have listed for XenPorta are Can Customize Portal and Can Promote Thread. Did something change or am I overlooking something?

The XenPorta modules administration is in xen admin panel, go in admin panel home, bottom left.
The XenPorta modules administration is in xen admin panel, go in admin panel home, bottom left.
Oh thank you. It use to be next to the Customize This Page button on the actual portal page itself in the last version I had installed. I thought I was missing a permission. Thanks a lot.
Help, I keep getting this.
The files associated with this add-on could not be found. Please upload them and try again.
Hi mrchasez

There are three step to be done:

  1. Upload all files from the upload folder to your xenforo installation
  2. Login your Admin Panel http://yoursite.com/admin.php
  3. Klick auf install Addon and type into the textfield library/EWRporta/addon-EWRporta.xml
Then everything should work just fine
Hi mrchasez

There are three step to be done:

  1. Upload all files from the upload folder to your xenforo installation
  2. Login your Admin Panel http://yoursite.com/admin.php
  3. Klick auf install Addon and type into the textfield library/EWRporta/addon-EWRporta.xml
Then everything should work just fine

I go to my FTP:
public_html>forum> I uploaded [8WayRun] File with everything in it
(my Forum folder, Is the Xenforo Root)

I go to install addon, Put in those words, it says:
Please enter a valid file name. The requested file could not be read.
I go to my FTP:
public_html>forum> I uploaded [8WayRun] File with everything in it
(my Forum folder, Is the Xenforo Root)

I go to install addon, Put in those words, it says:
Please enter a valid file name. The requested file could not be read.

Ok I downloaded this file and tested it, these are all steps
  1. Download the zip file from first post
  2. Unzip this file
  3. There will be now a folder called [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) v1.5.1
  4. Connect to your ftp
  5. go to your XenForo root folder
  6. Upload everthing in the folder [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) v1.5.1 to your root but not the folder itself
  7. There should be 2 folders and one file to upload (donation_callback.php, /js, /library)
  8. Go to your admin panel
  9. On the right klick on Install Addon
  10. In the text edit (Install from file on server) field type: library/EWRporta/addon-EWRporta.xml
Now everything should just work fine!
Merge the files into it. Be aware that by default if using Transmit on a mac that it overwrites without merging, most other ftp software will just merge it automatically.
Ok lets see if I could help :)

To redirect to your new Portal Page do the following steps:
  1. Login to your Admin Panel
  2. Go to Options on the left
  3. Scroll down to the entry [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)
  4. Klick on it
  5. Now set the first point active (Set as Index Controller)
To delete the one Home Button do the following steps:
  1. Login to your Admin Panel
  2. Go to Options on the left
  3. Klick on Basic Board Information
  4. Search for Home Page URL
  5. Delete your URL from the edit box next to "Home Page URL"
No only one button should be there
One last Question.

How do i have one of my "Threads" auto post to the home page.
Like an "Announcements" Thread auto posts to homepage?

Edit: Thanks for the above post, but i figured it out xC
So i removed that question
To auto promote your threads do the following steps:
  1. Login to your Admin Panel
  2. Klick on "Blocks" on the left
  3. Klick on recent news on the right
  4. Select the forum in which the threads are you like to auto promote
  5. Klick on save
Also you should activate the RecentNews Block for your Portal
To auto promote your threads do the following steps:
  1. Login to your Admin Panel
  2. Klick on "Blocks" on the left
  3. Klick on recent news on the right
  4. Select the forum in which the threads are you like to auto promote
  5. Klick on save
Also you should activate the RecentNews Block for your Portal

How do i have that in the middle i mean
like http://bukkit.org

They have all there updates in the middle.
How do i do that.
Not just one tiny block
Ok I have another problem :/

I am missing some stuff here:
All of the XenPorta options except for "options" are saying error the requested page could not be found. I thought maybe I uploaded something wrong but I reinstalled and am still having the same issue. I removed the tables and files and everything I was supposed to do.

They are in the right spot, why won't they show up :/

Edit: Fixed it. In case anyone was worried you can breathe easy now, I have a working portal again.
Error log is full of this error below:
ErrorException: Undefined index: forum - library/EWRporta/ControllerPublic/Forum.php:14
Generated By: Unknown Account, 1 minute ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/xxx/public_html/library/EWRporta/ControllerPublic/Forum.php(14): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/home/xxx/...', 14, Array)
#1 /home/xxx/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(310): EWRporta_ControllerPublic_Forum->actionIndex()
#2 /home/xxx/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(132): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#3 /home/xxx/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#4 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(38) "http://xxx.com/forums/-/index.rss"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {

Any ideas Jaxel?
Having this issue as well. It's spamming our error log. Haven't really looked into it yet, but just wanted to chime in. :)
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