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[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

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Possible bug? Whatever module I have in 'top-right' also appears as comments :S

View attachment 21098

One more thing. My 'recentmedia' block works great in the portal, nice and neat, small, but everywhere else its friggin huge! Is this because of independent css per section... ? How can I fix this up? thanks. Screenshot below

View attachment 21099

EDIT: Hmm just realised this is in my extra.css, but how do we get the extra.css to load for the entire site in Globalized Custom Layouts so all modules look like they are supposed too? thanks

.EWRporta_Portal .mediaSmall li { width: 33% !important; }
Sorry to re-post but it got buried very quickly and being a possible bug i thought id bump it up again.

Is anyone else having similar issues?
Can anyone tell me how I can use the same nav tab for both the portal and forums?

I want the portal page as the landing page, keep the same tab (either portal or forums) selected when browsing the forums, and when you click the tab you are shown the portal (home) page
I posted briefly about this before, but I'm still trying to get it going so here's a little more detail in hopes someone understands my issue.

This is all I've been able to figure out, I'm not very savvy unfortunately:

This bit of code here in NavTab.php:

class EWRporta_Listener_NavTabs
    public static function listen(array &$extraTabs, $selectedTabId)
        if (XenForo_Application::get('options')->EWRporta_shownavtab)
            $permsModel = XenForo_Model::create('EWRporta_Model_Perms');
            $perms = $permsModel->getPermissions();
            $extraTabs['portal'] = array(
                'title' => new XenForo_Phrase('home'),
                'href' => XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('full:portal'),
                'position' => 'home',
                'linksTemplate' => 'EWRporta_Navtabs',
                'perms' => $perms,

Will put 'Home' in the nav, and also in the breadcrumb. As seen here:


Change this line: 'title' => new XenForo_Phrase('home') - to - 'title' => new XenForo_Phrase('NOThome')


My question is, what if I wanted the breadcrumb 'Home' phrase, or area rather, to be an icon? I made one and I'd like to base64 encode it and throw it in the breadcrumb, but I still can't figure out how to separate the main nav from the breadcrumb, or confirm if this would even be the place to mess with it. Last thing I want to do is edit the actual addon php files, but if that's the only way... I have no qualms.

So does anyone know anything about this? Am I even looking in the right place for this? Is there a bit of code somewhere else that controls what goes into the breadcrumb? Clearly I'm not too keen on this :(

I hope someone can point me in the right direction, thanks in advance :)
I am cautious to use this addon as I'm concerned many mods might break when the new Xenforo comes out. I've had this happen so many times with vbulletin I've lost count!
I am cautious to use this addon as I'm concerned many mods might break when the new Xenforo comes out. I've had this happen so many times with vbulletin I've lost count!
With Xenforo nothing seems to break as much as it did with Vbull........
I am cautious to use this addon as I'm concerned many mods might break when the new Xenforo comes out. I've had this happen so many times with vbulletin I've lost count!
Jaxel updated this add on to work with XF 1.1.0. I've been running it (XenPorta 1.5.0)on all the beta's and it's working great.
Hello, I am having what looks like a margining issue with Xenporta. I am using the style Flexile dark standalone.

What is happening:

Notice how the subheader is blocky, not aligned, same with the bottom. And the date is just kind of floating anywhere.

What I'd like:

This is the same style "Flexile" however this is the light version. Everything seems to line up great.
Is there something I am missing?

Hello, I am having what looks like a margining issue with Xenporta.
Please don't double post.
I have also merged your post from the support forum with the add-on thread, which is where support questions should be posted.
Does anyone know what the deal is with image sizing for the slider?

I seem to keep getting black bars around the edges of my images, how can I best format them so they fill the whole slider?

Theme is XenFracture from Themes Inc., I'm not sure that's anything to do with it as it's the same when I switch the theme over to the default.

Unless it's something to do with being an old version of XenPorta? I haven't updated it in a few months, been planning on waiting for 1.1 to come out and I'll update that and the rest of the plugins in one go.

Really hoping someone will be able to help!

FURL enabled - Clicking "Forum" button remains on the portal page
FURL disabled - Works fine

Has anyone else had this issue or have any idea how I can get xenporta to work on my site with FURLs enabled?
Does anyone else think xen Porta (or all of Jaxel's mods) could kinda do with their own subforum? Things are getting rather crowded in the one thread and it's laborious to trawl through. Threaded problems and answers would help resolve this...along with some well laid out documentation.
My donations block doesn't seem to be updating. I got one donation so I know the button works, just the graph showing how much has been donated doesn't change. The donation was over a day ago.
A small request, move the create block from debug to normal, it's highly annoying having to run my forum in debug mode just to make a new block!
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