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[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Module Add-Ons)

This is my code for the twitter widget which I inserted into a custom template named sidebar_twitter:

<script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script>


new TWTR.Widget({

  version: 2,

  type: 'profile',

  rpp: 4,

  interval: 2000,

  width: 'auto',

  height: 300,

  theme: {

    shell: {

      background: '#fbf7ed',

      color: '#323c44'


    tweets: {

      background: '#fbf7ed',

      color: '#323c44',

      links: '#ff0000'



  features: {

    scrollbar: true,

    loop: false,

    live: true,

    hashtags: true,

    timestamp: true,

    avatars: false,

    behavior: 'all'




I then created an xml file which includes that template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>





  <module_template><![CDATA[<xen:include template="sidebar_twitter" />]]></module_template>


I then import the xml as a module in xenporta and I get an error when viewing the portal:

An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.

Any ideas why this isn't working? Thanks you!
Jaxel is it possible for you to modify the twitter xml so that it pulls tweets from a username and not from a search term please?


P.S. I'm trying to make a blank module that includes an existing template.

I just want to put this code into a blank module

<script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script>


new TWTR.Widget({

  version: 2,

  type: 'profile',

  rpp: 20,

  interval: 2000,

  width: 'auto',

  height: 300,

  theme: {

    shell: {

      background: '#fbf7ed',

      color: '#323c44'


    tweets: {

      background: '#fbf7ed',

      color: '#323c44',

      links: '#ff0000'



  features: {

    scrollbar: true,

    loop: false,

    live: true,

    hashtags: true,

    timestamp: true,

    avatars: false,

    behavior: 'all'




Take a look at the example module Jaxel shared on page 1, along with other modules. The javascript needs to be part of your xml file. Also xen syntax such as your xen:include only works inside the template system. You can't use xen code in your xml file.

Since a Twitter module already exists you should name it something else. I am not sure what would happen if you tried to import a module with the same name as an existing one. Either an error would result, or the existing one would be overwritten.

In my opinion, you should check the Twitter site for their API info to see how such a search is coded, then modify the existing block.
Would it be possible to allow for an extension of the permissions window? We have numwerous usergroups, and due to the options screen for the modules not being a solid window, I cannot get to the bottom part of the second set of permissions (The 'Hide module from' group).

Also, a sizable version of the FaceBook module would be nice.

Thanks :)
the fb module can definitely be sized in the EWRPorta_Block_?Facebook template

You can (for now) get to the permissions window options by re-sizing your display
Is there a module for "latest x threads" ? (in stead of recent threads)

that is exactly what the Recent Threads module is...the latest X threads. You define the X
I actually mean a module for "latest x topics" ;)

I guess there isn't such thing. What I would like is a simple module that would show the last created topics. Shouldn't be so hard to create I think, but I can't do it :(
I guess there isn't such thing. What I would like is a simple module that would show the last created topics. Shouldn't be so hard to create I think, but I can't do it :(
Yes, there IS such a thing. It's called the Recent Threads module. It displays the lastest 'X' number of threads where you define 'X' to be whatever number you want it to be. Works just as expected, pulling up the last 3, 5, 10, whatever number of threads you want.

If that's not what you are looking for, maybe you could be more explicit about what it is you want?
The recent threads module shows me a list of threads, ordered by the date/time of the last reply in a thread. I would like a list of threads ordered by the date/time of the thread creation date/time.

So I don't want this list to change whenever a new reply is made to a topic, only when a new thread is created. :)
Events Calendar and Events Birthdays doesn't work (both trigger an unexpected error). Maybe I forgot something?
Other than those two works perfect :D
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