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[8wayRun.Com] XenMedio (Media)

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I had it working, just had not added any media... added a youtube video and now notice nothing is written to designated forum. I just changed it to non-specified and do not list the node anymore. It is not super critical for me.. there is still a problem though. I also notice there is no option to allow me to choose to start a forum thread as I do not have auto generate thread option turned on. It will not work if I turn auto generate on either. I have already tested that.
When you submit a video, at the bottom of that page there is a 'create media thread' option, are you getting this option? You need to have specified a forum to see it, and if its not set to auto check then you will have to manually do that yourself before clicking 'save media' when submitting a video
the 'create media thread' option was not available... I have been using this feature of XenMedio since first made available ..
I just verified the feature is working correctly for me. I would suggest following the troubleshooting steps ddmmh offered and going from there. If it still doesn't work screenshots of your admincp and submit media screens would help to troubleshoot further.

EDIT: ACP > Home > XenMedio and make sure you have some forums selected in the Auto Thread Forum box.
I love this mod but videos really need small descriptions!!

The following suggestions / improvements would make the mod perfect for me, but alas, I don't run a xenForo site yet. I do think though that just this small change will greatly enhance the mod and bring huge value to your mod users and forum users alike.

When looking at some of the sites using this mod I didn't feel hugely compelled to click onto many videos. I think this is because each entry makes use of only a still-frame and a clickable link title - this isn't very informative and can be improved with some descriptive content IMO.

It would be really neat when submitting a video if the ability to also include a short description were possible. I feel short descriptions would enhance the index page as they would allow the visitor more information than just a short title which on its own is too little to go on. It would improve the user experience by allowing them to more easily choose videos that will interest them.

Descriptions don't have to detract from the index pages elegance, they could be short, really short, twitter short even.

This would add value to this mod immensely IMO as well as give search engines a little more relevance information and keywords on index pages and maybe even open up integration into twitter / link shortener API's - Many video pages packed with conversation would be great to share on the likes of twitter and facebook and what better to use as the tweet / FB update than the small description and shortened link :)

Just my ideas, feel free to take or leave them as you see fit, but well done on this mod so far, its very cool and looks good!
Descriptions don't have to detract from the index pages elegance, they could be short, really short, twitter short even

Or the ability to trim it after x muber of charachters. I would like to add images, links and descrptive info to make vide pages more atractive.
Currently the videos do contain keywords which can be used for SEO and searches. The videos also contain descriptions which will automatically be displayed if you check the "create thread" box when submitting the video. The data is already there. It's up to each site's admin if they want to display it. XenMedio doesn't offer the ability to display this additional info by default, but the data is collected and available. Personally I can't think of a way to present the description properly.

Jaxel did a fantastic job of being able to communicate a LOT of info in a small box. Number of views, likes, length, submitter name, category name, etc all in a tiny area.
Currently the videos do contain keywords which can be used for SEO and searches. The videos also contain descriptions which will automatically be displayed if you check the "create thread" box when submitting the video. The data is already there. It's up to each site's admin if they want to display it. XenMedio doesn't offer the ability to display this additional info by default, but the data is collected and available. Personally I can't think of a way to present the description properly.

Jaxel did a fantastic job of being able to communicate a LOT of info in a small box. Number of views, likes, length, submitter name, category name, etc all in a tiny area.

I agree with you oracle, this is indeed an amazing add-on. I wish there were a feature to trimm some information for preview and when the user wants to see more he clicks on the link.
when you go to media library there is listing of recent and most popular videos.. right sidebar lists all categories and number of videos in each category. when you select a category from sidebar, complete listing of all videos in that category is displayed. Select an individual video and you get video player... there is now a right side bar showing any detail provided when media was submitted. THe submission process is where yo have opportunity to provide whatever detail you wish. it is all up to the system operator as to amount of detail provided. peace.
I agree with you oracle, this is indeed an amazing add-on. I wish there were a feature to trimm some information for preview and when the user wants to see more he clicks on the link.

If someone could make a mock-up image of what you would like to see, I think we can be more helpful. Everyone would like this product to be the best it possibly can for all. It's just hard to fit any more info into such a small space. If a link is inserted, then a user has to click on the link for each video to read the description, which really isn't any different then what masterchief suggested...just click on the video and read the description in the right side bar.

Perhaps I am missing something, which is where a demo of your idea would be helpful.
I have begun uploading media content to my site and just realized...the JW player does not show the video length/elapsed time. If that information is available it would be nice. Presently viewers have no idea how long videos are in length.

Also, a player re-size option would be very nice. Presently viewers can watch in the small screen or full-screen but nothing in between. A pop-out viewer would be ideal, but anything that would allow a couple sizes (1600x900, 800x600, etc) would be an improvement.
another minor request...

when submitting media it would be good to have a Default Category setting the admin can set. I have many categories but I prefer for all content from users to be uploaded to the "Newly Uploaded Content" category so I can review it. Most users don't properly name/categorize/tag their media.
I have a suggestion for a future version (not necessarily a bug). It's more with the integration of XenUtilities' Sitemap than anything.

If you had disabled viewing the media to guests, then the Sitemap URL leads to a 403 error. Maybe you'd want to either issue a warning or deny enabling the sitemap otherwise.
It would also be good if a youtube link could be edited.

For instance i added a link to a video that was later removed - however i couldnt simply remove that link and add a new link to another version of that video i had to repost a brand new entry and delete the original video page.
Another minor suggestion.

The video thumbnail which shows when media is embedded into a post only fills the top 1/4th of the image. I think it would look better if either the thumbnail was expanded to fill the image, or a second image was available for this purpose.

I began uploading a lot of video content over the last couple days. I have a category that has reached 39 videos. When I press [2] to get to the second page of the category ( http://www.terapvp.com/media/category/guides-new-player-info.9/page-2 ) I receive an error:

TeraPVP.com - Error

The requested page could not be found.

I tried the process on the 8wayrun site and it works fine. I can't see anything different with my site as to why a second category page doesn't exist.
Another minor suggestion.

The video thumbnail which shows when media is embedded into a post only fills the top 1/4th of the image. I think it would look better if either the thumbnail was expanded to fill the image, or a second image was available for this purpose.

View attachment 13501
Hi Oracle,

I believe this is only an issue in IE but its definatley an issue that would be nice to fix, i was actually going to ask Jaxel this very question but you beat me to it :p

It looks fine in FF, Chrome etc... but unfortunaley over 50% of people if not more still use IE so it would be nice to fix, I even think Jaxel provided a fix for me but I think i overwrote it and now I cant find it.

Jaxel help please? :) cheers

EDIT: Found what used to work on a older version of XenMedio. Jaxel got me to add the following to the bottom of the ewrmedio.css and that did work, i tried this again now and doesnt work, just moves the thumbnail more to the right. I put this here so maybe someone else knows how to work on it to allow full screen thumbnails like on FF, chrome, etc

.medioBBc { text-align: center; }
.medioBBc div { display: inline-block; background-size: 100%; -moz-background-size: 100%; }
.medioBBc a { margin: 0px; }
.medioBBc a:hover, .medioBBc a:focus { background: transparent; border-radius: 0px; -moz-border-radius: 0px; }
Thanks for the feedback ddmmh. I use mainly FF and just keep IE (8 & 9) to check my pages to ensure browser compatibility. The screenshot I offered is from FF 3.6. I did verify IE 8 & FF 4 appears the same way.

I did verify that it appears full-size in Chrome although it is clearly a small thumbnail which is enlarged so the image quality is very low. I'm actually debating which looks better now lol. Perfect solution would probably creating two thumbnails per video, one small for the media page and one large for threads, but I am not sure how much work that would be. It would make the add-on a tiny bit better.
Thanks for the feedback ddmmh. I use mainly FF and just keep IE (8 & 9) to check my pages to ensure browser compatibility. The screenshot I offered is from FF 3.6. I did verify IE 8 & FF 4 appears the same way.

I did verify that it appears full-size in Chrome although it is clearly a small thumbnail which is enlarged so the image quality is very low. I'm actually debating which looks better now lol. Perfect solution would probably creating two thumbnails per video, one small for the media page and one large for threads, but I am not sure how much work that would be. It would make the add-on a tiny bit better.
Ahh ok maybe that has changed in FF now because the code extra code from above doesnt work anymore, hopefully Jaxel can shed some more light cuz it does look a little crappy
Well my PC is straight up dead now. In case you don't know, the raid controller on my MOBO died last week, taking out my main hard drive (which was not raid'd, ironically, the drives that were in raid0, work perfectly fine)... so I ran to best buy, bought a hard drive and a new raid controller and everything was working again... although with a major performance decrease.

Well yesterday my MOBO died completely. I've just ordered a new case (better for transport), new mobo, cpu, coolers and ram... but I wont have a computer up and running till sometime next week. So until then, I wont really be looking at anyone's comments or recommendations, except on my cell phone. If you can, please donate! =P
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