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[8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

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Try pasting your code into a new wiki page ?
Do the bullet points work if you use the Rich Text Editor only ?
Do any bullets work in the wiki ? the forum ?

Hard to say what's going on.

[*][B]Name:[/B] Centaurs
[*][B]Ecology:[/B] Fey Forest
[*][B]Attacks:[/B] Spear attack, hoof attack
I am very pleased with my SEO rankings for my forums. My forum threads and media often appear on the first page of Google searches. On the other hand I have come to realize my wiki pages do not appear in the first 10 pages.

My site is based on a game called "Tera". If I was to make a thread based on a creature called Centaurs, I would probably title the thread "Tera Centuars: A closer look". The first sentence of the thread would contain the key words "Tera" and Centaurs".

In a wiki article, the term "Tera" is naturally dropped. Within the wiki area there is a parent called "Monsters" and there is a child page called "Centaurs". A link to my wiki Centaurs page: http://www.terapvp.com/wiki/centaurs

It just doesn't seem natural to force the word "Tera" in at any point. I can think of two fixes for this problem. One is tags. If we could add tags to the wiki page and have them appear in the footer that would work.

A second approach, and perhaps both should be used, would be to have dynamic meta tags. My current meta tag from PAGE_CONTAINER is:
<meta name="keywords" content="Tera, Tera online, Tera pvp, play Tera, Tera USA, Tera Europe, Tera wiki">

I would love to replace that with a tag which combines "Tera" and each level of my wiki breadcrumb. So something like Tera + wikiLvl0, Tera + wikiLvl1, Tera_wikiLvl2, Tera+wikilvl3, etc. The end result would be
Tera Wiki, Tera NPCs, Tera Monsters, Tera Centaurs.


A clear example can be seen with the subject of Crystals. I have a nice wiki page on Crystals, but it does not appear in the top 100 of Google ranking. I wrote a thread on Crystals, it is in the #4 position. I have a media category for "Tera Items" which does not have any crystal videos at all but the category description includes the word "crystals" once and it is ranked 26 with Google. Yet a well written Wiki page does not appear at all.

And the CSS it uses which is contained in the Extra.css template:

/*** Wiki Custom CSS ***/

.wikimessageUserBlock {
@property "messageUserBlock";
background: @primaryLighterStill url('@imagePath/xenforo/gradients/tab-selected-light.png') repeat-x bottom;
border: 1px solid @primaryLighterStill;
border-radius: 5px;
@property "/messageUserBlock";
position: relative;
.wikimessageUserBlock div.wikiavatarHolder {
@property "messageAvatarHolder";
background-color: @primaryLightest;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 4px;
@property "/messageAvatarHolder";
.wikimessageUserBlock div.wikiavatarHolder a {
display: block;
.wikiimage {
max-width: 110px;

Can you help me with some css.
How do you change the css so theres no float and the border remains intact.
How do you add text below the image (like a caption) which uses the same style look as the username in posts

many thanks
There is something wrong with the SEO portion of the Wiki pages.

I keep noticing my wiki pages aren't making it in Google searches, or they are far out of the top 100, while similiar information which is not as well presented is ranking in the top 10, and often from my own site.

I noticed it several areas. One recent example was when a 15 word post which was imported into my site from a "Developer Tracker" auto poster ranked in the top 20, meanwhile a well written Wiki page on the same subject could not be found in the top 100.

Based on this finding and several other examples I performed a test last night. I made a post in my off topic section and at the same minute I made an entry into the Wiki. Both the post and the Wiki entry have identical content. I then ran the cron job for my site map.

Today I did a search for the unique keyword and I find my forum post in the list, but not the wiki page. I confirmed my Google site map was received without errors.

Unique term to search for: 5451622a1q2s3zz12x

Forum thread link: http://www.terapvp.com/threads/seo-test.1261
Wiki page link: http://www.terapvp.com/wiki/seo-test

Google results & GWMT

The reason I shared the second image above is to show that the wiki sitemap was submitted successful.

But, your question prompted me to check the actual sitemap on Google. The wiki page is NOT listed. I am 100% certain the wiki page was entered before I rebuilt the sitemap. For some reason XenUtiles didn't pick up the new page.

Even so, I know Google does a good job of searching the site anyway. Even if a few days when the wiki page is picked up, I expect it to be ranked significantly lower (as in 100+ rankings) further down then a forum page with the identical content.
a bit more research....

I looked on my web server and I clearly see the wiki "seo" page, and the forum thread in my sitemaps. When I look @ google, I see the seo thread in my sitemap there, but not the wiki url. For some reason it seems Google picked up the update for the threads_1.xml but not the wiki_1.xml. I checked my index_1.xml and it seems fine.

I wonder if Google has some logic to update threads more often. It partly makes sense that threads change content more often then wiki's, but this is a brand new page.
Final notes on my SEO research.

Google just recently updated my sitemap for the wiki. When I look at the GWMT I see my sitemap and see the "seo" wiki URL.

When I do a google search of the unique search term "5451622a1q2s3zz12x" there is only 1 hit, the forum post.

My conclusion is there is a serious issue with the way the wiki data is shared with search engines. I have no clue what the root issue is, but I do not wiki pages either do not show up, or they show up at a far lower level then forum posts.

I often see wikipedia posts (en.wikipedia.org) ranked as #1 so I know it is nothing to do with wiki's in general. I am not sure if there is some SEO tricks Kier threw in XF to make it work much better, or if something else is missing. What I do know if I worked hard building 150 wiki pages and apparently I would have been better of making forum threads, at least with respect to SEO.

Of course...I am new to SEO so it's possible I am missing something. I've done a lot of research on this topic and if I am missing something, I have no clue what it could be. That is why I am sharing all this information with the community, in the hopes you can view my work and eduate me if I made an error.
Hopefully other wiki users will perform the research you did, and see if it is a more general problem.
You might increase the number of researchers by making a succinct "How To investigate your wiki's SEO" Post.
Forum posts and wiki pages aren't submitted in any different matter. In the sitemap generator, the information is pretty much exactly the same. The wiki also uses the XenForo semantic markup language, so it has the same SEO tricks that the forum does. Why is the forum post listed, and the wiki isn't? Google just hasn't indexed your new page yet; it takes time. If you look at the image, only 136 out of 147 of your wiki pages have been indexed; your test page may be in those 11 pages that haven't been indexed.

That being said, page ranking really doesn't have anything to do with indexing. Page ranking in modern search engines has to do with link backs and confirmed clicks. Have you ever wondered why spam accounts on your forum don't post spam posts (which you would delete)? Instead, they post links on their own profile page (which you never see, so don't delete). That is because the more pages that link BACK to the original page, the higher the original page gets ranked in search engines.

Page rank also gets increased based on confirmed clicks, if someone uses a search term, then clicks on your page, they are confirming to the search engine that the page is valid for that specific search term. And this data is shared back to the search engine, as well as the corresponding page. Its why the whole "Bing is stealing Google's search data" is ********, because its not that they are stealing, its that this data is DESIGNED to spread.
Thanks for the explanation Jaxel.

My only questions that remain are:

- Why in this example was I able to create a forum post and a wiki page at the same moment, and then Google indexes the forum page right away but doesn't index the Wiki page? I know you can't speak for Google but this seems to be a consistent issue for Wiki pages.

- I have a Wiki article created 5 weeks ago (March 27) titled "Allemantheia". It is a city name in the game my site supports. I use this example because I can enter that name without any other tags and the search results should all be unique for the game.

The Google search results are 11 pages long. My site is not listed at all. My wiki page isn't making it in the results. I don't understand how that is possible? The name "Allemantheia" is mentioned 7 times on the page. http://www.terapvp.com/wiki/allemantheia

- I'll make a bet with you. Make up a random word or number. Make a forum post with that unique term, and make a wiki page. Within 24 hours the forum page will be on Google, the wiki page wont. There is a very good chance the wiki page wont be there a month later either. If it does make it, the forum page will be ranked higher.

To be clear, I have seen SOME wiki pages in search results. It's just very few and far between, and they are ranked much lower.

I am not trying to assign blame here. I am just trying to fix the issue. The first step is for us to determine if there is indeed an issue. To me it seems there is. My next step is to try to convince you.


The above image is from your 8wayrun site. I just took that screenshot. So I'll use the following as the unique term: 5441SOL219952BAD6514GUY

forum thread: http://www.terapvp.com/threads/seo-test2.1309
wiki page: http://www.terapvp.com/wiki/seo-test2

Content was copied/pasted from wiki page to forum page. Titles are identical. Both were submitted within seconds of each other. I just ran my Sitemap cron job. I'll share the search results when I see them.
- Why in this example was I able to create a forum post and a wiki page at the same moment, and then Google indexes the forum page right away but doesn't index the Wiki page? I know you can't speak for Google but this seems to be a consistent issue for Wiki pages.

- I have a Wiki article created 5 weeks ago (March 27) titled "Allemantheia". It is a city name in the game my site supports. I use this example because I can enter that name without any other tags and the search results should all be unique for the game.
Because of activity. The more people who view a page, the higher it gets ranked in search engines, and also the faster it will get indexed. Google knows how popular pages can be, from the number of people who use Chrome.

Also, this comes back to LINKBACKS, as I mentioned in my previous post. Spiders trawl your website and follow links from other links. In order to get to the forum post, it can go through your forum index, your forum view, your recent posts, your profile page, recent activity, etc. In order to get to your wiki test page... uhh... since it's not linked from anywhere there is no way for spiders to get to it... its an island.

Spiders act MUCH faster than sitemaps these days. Now please stop asking me questions about this stuff; this is related to how Google handles their search indexing and there is really nothing you or I can do to fix it.
Thank you for responding again. That was the information I needed to know.

I now understand that if I shouldn't straight make wiki pages of great new material, or if I do, make both a forum thread and a wiki page.
Is there a way to get the old way back :confused:
If someone went to black page (as in nothing there) wiki/test it would ask if you would like to create this page etc...
Now it just gives "The requested page could not be found." :eek:
Is this still the same can anyone confirm please :)
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