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[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events)

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Hey Jaxel,

Quick question on the way events with recurring dates are handled. Is there a feasible way to set Xenatendo to allow seperate R.S.V.P.s on each different day?

Say I set an event to recur every Friday for a month, but need to have separate R.S.V.P.s as attendance might change between the weeks. Instead of a user R.S.V.Ping for the entire string of events, I would rather see it seperated out.

I currently make an event with the same name/description on each individual Friday, but setting it to recur would be a much simpler solution.

Hi Jaxel,

I know you said your working on major updates for all of your products, and recently put out the beta for xenportal - I was just wondering how the update to this mod was going?

All the best

Has anyone worked out a way to automatically have "Create New Thread" and "Enable RSVP" automatically checked when creating an event?
Has anyone worked out a way to automatically have "Create New Thread" and "Enable RSVP" automatically checked when creating an event?

Sorted :D In template EWRatendo_EventsCreate - Add the bold to the following lines :)

<label for="ctrl_rsvp"><input type="checkbox" name="event_rsvp" value="1" id="ctrl_rsvp" {xen:if '{$input.event_rsvp}', 'checked'} CHECKED/> {xen:phrase enable_rsvp_system}</label>
<p class="hint">{xen:phrase enable_rsvp_system_hint}</p>

<xen:if hascontent="true">
<li><label for="ctrl_thread"><input type="checkbox" name="create_thread" value="1" class="Disabler" id="ctrl_thread" {xen:if '{$input.create_thread}', 'checked'} CHECKED/> {xen:phrase create_event_thread}:</label>

One thing I am stuck on though - How do you delete events if they dont have a thread?
Thanks trilogy33,

So simple I feel a bit stupid now!
Don't worry about it. There was something I did that was quite daft in the database on the localhost test board once with this, moving some data around in the tables.
It broke many things including the user session IIRC. So whatever you do, don't do anything like that. :whistle:
Any new updates for this mod? How about being able to create "tags" for events, then when people click on the tag it sorts them and pulls up just those tagged events. This would be very useful to have. Is there a roadmap for future features? I use another calendar solution right now but thinking of switching.
I dont plan on expanding this calendar any further than it has. As I've said many times, this was never supposed to be a calendar system. It was supposed to simply be an RVSP and event planning system... which it already does. Because of this, it never needed multiple calendars; simply post your events in different forums, and that will sort the event types/tags/whateverthe**** you want to call it.

I hate this calendar system and I'm waiting for XenForo to eventually come up with their own. I only created the calendar because of the constant requests from people who don't understand the purpose of this mod. STOP ASKING ME TO EXPAND THIS CALENDAR... as I wont do it. I will expand on the RSVP/events systems as needed, but not the calendars.
I've had a look over the thread but can't find anything. Is it possible to force a thread to be created. At the moment it seems like its a optional extra, but I want everyone to have to pick a forum where it will be created.
Jaxel, can someone else then take it over and expand it further?

Looks like Jaxel is abandoning this mod. That's why I am cautious to use any custom mods on my forum, because you get locked into something that later is left to die and whither on the vine. Sometimes paid mods are better, then you KNOW that they're gonna be around because there's money involved.
Looks like Jaxel is abandoning this mod. That's why I am cautious to use any custom mods on my forum, because you get locked into something that later is left to die and whither on the vine. Sometimes paid mods are better, then you KNOW that they're gonna be around because there's money involved.

I very much doubt Jaxel is going to abandon this mod. Not that long ago he was talking about some of the changes in the next major release.

Dont forget Jaxel offers all his mods for free and he does have quite a few out.Just give him time.
Jaxels talking about people using this as a calendar though. This mod wasnt desgined as that.

I will expand on the RSVP/events systems as needed, but not the calendars.
They both seem the same to me. Calendars are such an integral part of RSVP, you can't have one without the other.
They both seem the same to me. Calendars are such an integral part of RSVP, you can't have one without the other.

Just to give you some background on this, when this mod was released it was only an events system, there was no calendar view, it was never intended to be a calendar.

I was looking for a calendar and posting about it on here, when this mod was drawn to my attention I asked Jaxel if it could be extended to include a calendar. Fair play to him within about 24 hours it was extended, I then requested a weekly view too, that was added. I then requested a few other features, some were added, some weren't because they went well beyond what Jaxel had intended to do with this mod and he simply didn't have the time to go there - which I personally think is fair enough.

He spent a fair about of time extending it to where it is now, we had loads of exchanges by PC to iron out a few bugs and I even gave him access to my server to check things that weren't working correctly and he fixed them all & so I made a donation for the features added, I hope others have too.

I would have donated further for additional features, including being able to have multiple calendars, but he explained that the time involved just wasn't worth it to him, which I respect.

I did suggest paying for extra work, but when he indicated the amount of work, and therefore time, involved it scared me off as clearly it was beyond the tiny budget I had for my little site.

I think people need to accept that Jaxel will continue to maintain this mod, but it's unfair to expect him to extend it further when he said months ago on this thread and repeated a few times since that it's not going to happen.
Well said.

I think the mod works great as it does now, however there is just a bit of tweaking needed here and there such as -

Set default location area for map
Allow minutes as well as hours - Event starts at 0730
Automatically create thread in selected forum without the member having to choose the option

Look forward to seeing whats changed for the next version :)
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