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[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events)

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Very good. Thanks so much. :)

Now, I did move it over to the sidebar like Jaxel has it on his. But the display is really messed up on it.
Jaxel's looks really nice. I looks like I have to widen the display of the event? Mine is over to the left and Jaxels' is centered.

Where would I do this at? The template, I'm presuming?
Very good. Thanks so much. :)

Now, I did move it over to the sidebar like Jaxel has it on his. But the display is really messed up on it.
Jaxel's looks really nice. I looks like I have to widen the display of the event? Mine is over to the left and Jaxels' is centered.

Where would I do this at? The template, I'm presuming?

See Screenies -

jax.webp mine.webp

As you can see, mine is completely messed up. :(

I tried to find the css template for this and couldn't. I did find the atendo.css, but couldn't find any reference to the sidebar layout.
See Screenies -

View attachment 14739 View attachment 14740

As you can see, mine is completely messed up. :(

I tried to find the css template for this and couldn't. I did find the atendo.css, but couldn't find any reference to the sidebar layout.

I edited the EWRAtendo_Bit template and saved it with a new name. I them called this template with the sidebar instead of the original (saves from future overwrites).

    <div class="secondaryContent">
        <div class="eventInfo">
            <xen:if is="{$event.show_venue}"><div class="eventDate"><i>{$event.event_venue}</i></div></xen:if>

            <div class="eventName"><a href="{xen:link 'events', $event}"><b>{$event.event_title}</b></a></div>

            <div class="eventText">
                <xen:if is="{$event.event_address}">
                    <i>{$event.event_address}, {$event.event_citystate}</i><br />
                    <i>{$event.event_venue}</i><br />
                <b>{$event.formatted_strtime}</b> <span class="muted">({$event.formatted_timezone})</span>

You can see how is looks on aquiacreek.com
The default EWRAtendo_bit has two columns
I edited the EWRAtendo_Bit template and saved it with a new name. I them called this template with the sidebar instead of the original (saves from future overwrites).

    <div class="secondaryContent">
        <div class="eventInfo">
            <xen:if is="{$event.show_venue}"><div class="eventDate"><i>{$event.event_venue}</i></div></xen:if>

            <div class="eventName"><a href="{xen:link 'events', $event}"><b>{$event.event_title}</b></a></div>

            <div class="eventText">
                <xen:if is="{$event.event_address}">
                    <i>{$event.event_address}, {$event.event_citystate}</i><br />
                    <i>{$event.event_venue}</i><br />
                <b>{$event.formatted_strtime}</b> <span class="muted">({$event.formatted_timezone})</span>

You can see how is looks on aquiacreek.com
The default EWRAtendo_bit has two columns

I LIKE that! That is exactly what I want. However, I am no coder and afraid I'll screw it up.
But I will give it a try tomorrow, for sure.

The code above, is that what you used inside your new template?

Thank you!
btw, I wonder why that generic avatar is in the event, rather than my own?
Is that because I created the event, rather than posting it and pulling it from the forum?
I edited the EWRAtendo_Bit template...

I basically made the same changes you did. The one difference, which I would recommend, is rather then having the zip code wrap onto a line by itself, I let it overflow and hid the overflow. If people want the zip code or exact details, they can always click on the item.

btw, I love the local radar block :)

@Peggy, sry I would have shared with you but since it is a sidebar block, and you were trying a center block, I thought you were going in another direction.
@Peggy, sry I would have shared with you but since it is a sidebar block, and you were trying a center block, I thought you were going in another direction.

I actually was going in another direction - the center block. However, I really do like the appearance of the upcoming events on Cory's sidebar. If I could get it to look like that, I'll settle for the sidebar.

The code above, is that in the new template that is to be created?

Then what code would I use to put it in the sidebar ?
It's as simple as copying the code Cory offered above, and pasting it in the right place in your EWRAtendo_Bit template.

Cory chose to make a new template to make the upgrade process easier when there is a template change. Personally, it is all the same to me. If there is a template change the code would have to be updated anyway one way or another.
Ok, but how will I know where in the EWRAtendo_Bit template to place his code?
Or do I replace the contents of that template with his?
I think people start to lose interest in threads associated with Addons over time.
The threads become a mishmash of support for specific user problems and relatively obscure requests. When important information is disclosed, people can't find it amongst all the other posts.
Essentially all discussion about the Addons themselves .. to improve them .. is lost amongst the chatter.

Supporting addons via one thread, as being attempted at xenforo.com, is very ineffective.
You would replace the entire contents of your template with the code he shared.

Cory, the first line of code you shared stripped out some code. I am not sure of it's function. Is it from a new update? or has it been there all along?
<li data-service="{$event.service_slug}" data-serviceval="{$event.service_value}" data-serviceval2="{$event.service_value2}">
You would replace the entire contents of your template with the code he shared.

Cory, the first line of code you shared stripped out some code. I am not sure of it's function. Is it from a new update? or has it been there all along?
<li data-service="{$event.service_slug}" data-serviceval="{$event.service_value}" data-serviceval2="{$event.service_value2}">

ok great. I think I'll wait tho, til Cory answers you about that code.

Thanks so much for your help!
I think people start to lose interest in threads associated with Addons over time.
The threads become a mishmash of support for specific user problems and relatively obscure requests. When important information is disclosed, people can't find it amongst all the other posts.
Essentially all discussion about the Addons themselves .. to improve them .. is lost amongst the chatter.

Supporting addons via one thread, as being attempted at xenforo.com, is very ineffective.
Constantly posting the same thing over and over again in multiple threads also doesn't help.
You are one of the worst offenders for polluting threads with irrelevant content, usually related to some sort of add-on system or something to do with how developers aren't being supported, despite developers stating otherwise.

You've been told numerous times that a bespoke add-on system is coming but you just won't drop this crusade you seem to be on.

If it bothers that you that much, as it clearly does, then do something about it on your own site.
Start a Wiki or something.
I edited the EWRAtendo_Bit template and saved it with a new name. I them called this template with the sidebar instead of the original (saves from future overwrites).

    <div class="secondaryContent">
        <div class="eventInfo">
            <xen:if is="{$event.show_venue}"><div class="eventDate"><i>{$event.event_venue}</i></div></xen:if>

            <div class="eventName"><a href="{xen:link 'events', $event}"><b>{$event.event_title}</b></a></div>

            <div class="eventText">
                <xen:if is="{$event.event_address}">
                    <i>{$event.event_address}, {$event.event_citystate}</i><br />
                    <i>{$event.event_venue}</i><br />
                <b>{$event.formatted_strtime}</b> <span class="muted">({$event.formatted_timezone})</span>

You can see how is looks on aquiacreek.com
The default EWRAtendo_bit has two columns

For whatever reason, my module is still showing up with 2 columns. ?? I replaced the entire template with your code above, but nothing changed.
I'm beginning to think that my forum - or at least my portal - is haunted. :confused:
Editing the template is completely the WRONG way to do what you're trying to do...

Just add the following lines to your EXTRA.css
.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li { width: 100%; }
.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li .avatar { display: none; }
.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li .eventInfo { margin-left: 0px; }

Peggy, revert the template back to the original.
Editing the template is completely the WRONG way to do what you're trying to do...

Just add the following lines to your EXTRA.css
.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li { width: 100%; }
.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li .avatar { display: none; }
.EWRporta_Portal #eventsUpcoming.eventList li .eventInfo { margin-left: 0px; }

Peggy, revert the template back to the original.
Ok so revert the template back, then add the above to the EXTRA.css. Check.
Will get to this in a bit.
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