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[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events)

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I'd say all. We have a weekly podcast. We stream audio/video over UStream, but use Chatroll for chat. How difficult would it be to change the Ustream chat to Chatroll for events?
Then this is already programmed in. Just go to /events/admin/ustream/edit and change the embed stream setting.
[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events) v1.3.7 CHANGELOG

  • You can now enable and disable the ability for users to RSVP for an event.
  • There is a new option in the admin cp called "Archive Recurring Events with Disabled RSVP Systems". If disabled, past instances of recurring events with disabled rsvp systems will NOT be stored in the archive. Disabling this may clean up the clutter on your calendar and event archive.
  • Event Description for events without a thread will now automatically link as bbcode.

Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

Great work on this add-on!

I would like to ask and I apologizes if you have answered this question before but is there an option (paid ofcourse) where I can remove the link to 8wayrun.com from the module?

[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events) v1.3.8 CHANGELOG
  • This is a patch level change. It fixes some basic errors in the recurrence system introduced in 1.3.7. Please update.
I have a sugestion ... let me explain the background of the problem first:

In forums (especially general one which encompass a wide area of subjects/regions) you have usually only few common denominators. Example would be Birthday ... can get any more generic that that right?

But what about if I have a local section in my forums and I would like to list the events in that region specifically? My forums in this case is generic enough to cover the whole world and I would like to have the local events to USA, then Florida, then Boca Raton for example? Can this module be tweaked/upgraded to support this?

In my specific case I have regional forums and there are TONS of meetups hapening in each and if this module can do that I would be MORE that happy to pay for it and donate etc.

Hope this make sense.

Thanks for your time.
In summary, you want to filter events based on location :)

For such a process it would require event creators to consistently enter information formatted the same way. For example the city, state, zipcode field could be keyed on the zipcode. If someone didn't enter the zipcode, then that event would be missed in the filter.
In summary, you want to filter events based on location :)

For such a process it would require event creators to consistently enter information formatted the same way. For example the city, state, zipcode field could be keyed on the zipcode. If someone didn't enter the zipcode, then that event would be missed in the filter.

In summary - data entry is always an issue in any system :)

In summary - data entry is always an issue in any system :)

True, but what I meant is there are no safeguards presently. You can type anything you wish in the City, State, Zip Code field or leave it blank. If your suggestion was to be implemented that field should be modified to a zipcode field only, which would be required. The zip code would cause the other fields to auto-populate.

In that system, the only human error that could occur would be to enter an incorrect zip code. In the present system, users can skip the zip code, enter an extra comma or letters and lots of other possibilities, all bad.
My problem is a simple one - I hope.

I can't get the events module to show on the portal. :(
I have it set for center. The event is in July so I have the Upcoming Days cutoff setting set to 90 days.

It show on the upcoming events link. But no module.

What am I doing wrong?
Thanks Oracle.

Well darn, it's odd that this would be a sidebar-only module. If I do that, my sidebar is going to be a mile long, as there are already so many modules for the sidebar.

I'm hoping that Jason will make this one more flexible. I really wanted it in that center column. :(
I have never done it before, but you should be able to export the code from the current module, change the size, then re-import it to be a center block if you desired. I guess that might be helpful if your site hosted a lot of events.

What do you mean by "display". Where is that at? I thought I had all of the settings correct.
you can chose monthly, weekly display and upcoming.
(sorry, its german on the picture)
hope that helps.


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