XF 2.1 <<< 2.2 Do votes carry over when merging threads?

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'd be interested to know if votes are included when suggestion or question threads are merged.

(I would have chosen 2.2 as prefix but is not yet available)
Votes on the thread are combined when merging threads.

Note that it's not really relevant to question threads as the votes are on individual posts so those just come across as is.
Votes on the thread are combined when merging threads.

Note that it's not really relevant to question threads as the votes are on individual posts so those just come across as is.
Note that it's not really relevant to question threads as the votes are on individual posts so those just come across as is.
Related though:

What happens if to posts (one on each) are both marked as solution. I presume because the threads were merged the OP question is the same/similar and there cannot be two solutions so I would expect surviving solution is the one based on what the merged thread OP is?

Or would it make sense to (automatically) merge the solution posts when question threads are merged.
Roughly speaking, for other metadata, merging threads keeps the state of the original thread. So in your example, the solution flag wouldn't be merged. I suppose we could change that, though I think it also makes certain assumptions that might not always be true.
Interesting. So there would be two solutions in the resulting merged thread, one marked by the OP of thread A and the other marked by the OP of thread B.
No, in this case I mean if there was no solution in the target thread, there would still be no solution even if the source thread had one. The solution element is metadata for the source thread so it's not brought across.
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