Don't break links: When merging threads, "Do not leave a redirect" should still create an invisible redirect


Well-known member
When merging threads, the option "Do not leave a redirect" (which is checked by default) should still create an invisible redirect. Otherwise, the URLs of those threads that were merged into the other thread stop working (which isn't good for UX and SEO): "The requested thread could not be found."

So no matter which "Redirection notice" the moderator chooses, I think XenForo should always create a redirect. The "Redirection notice" radio buttons should only affect the visibility of this redirect as a thread in the forum view / thread list.

What do you think? :)

Originally reported here (in german):
Upvote 8
I agree very much in principle but perhaps there are circumstances where a redirect is not advisable e.g. when merging into a thread in a private forum.

EDIT: I take that back, I think in that case it would mostly only be a visible redirect that you wouldn’t want.
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