
  1. Mr. Jinx

    Error message when file upload fails

    If you upload a language file that is bigger than the maximum php upload size (upload_max_filesize), you will get this error message: Please upload a valid language XML file. Suggestion: give a more descriptive error telling the user that the php upload size is too small. Most hosting providers...
  2. tomwood

    XF 2.1 How to find styles that are XML-only with no template modifications?

    I'd like to find some styles that do nothing else except change the colors of the Default style by way of an XML file upload. No other files to upload, no changes to the templates. Is there a quick and easy way to filter the style search results for that?
  3. CMTV

    XF 2.0 Empty XML on export

    Hi! I am learning how to export things in XenForo: trying to export my test "heroes" entities. That is how my actionExport looks like: public function actionExport() { $heroes = $this->finder('ExportImport:Hero'); return $this->plugin('XF:Xml')->actionExport($heroes...
  4. thaisnack

    XF 2.0 XenForo XML language file specifications

    The XenForo language importer imports a phrase not limitied to what's inside the CDATA Section. It seems to import everything within the phrase tag, that is, also outside the CDATA Section. For example, the following phrase tag <phrase title="you_have_been_banned_for_following_reason_x"...
  5. Robru

    XF 2.0 Changes for GDPR compliance in XF1 and XF2

    Can the above be used in the ACP or XF2.0.6? I have not been able to find it yet.
  6. Jaredp96

    XF 1.5 Not able to import style XML's?

    Hi, i was just wondering why i cant import any xml files to my xenforo, it promts me with this error Error Please upload a valid style XML file. and sometimes this error Error Please enter a valid file name. The requested file could not be read. i have tried multiple styles, but all have...
  7. tr1age

    XF 1.5 RSS - Every Reply

    The old version of Xenforo's Global RSS would post every time there was a reply. I kinda want that back. Is there a way to do that? Thanks!
  8. dvsDave

    XF 1.5 internal_data/sitemaps was over 650 files

    So, I got a disk space warning on my server and started looking into what folders were the biggest offenders. To my surprise, the sitemaps folder was HUGE (like 22 gigs) There were a bunch of .gz files that were old, so I deleted those. I then wiped out the whole folder and went to...
  9. jauburn

    XF 1.5 This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it.

    In Chrome (only), I'm getting this message at the top of the page of any feed associated with any board on my forum: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. Does not happen with Firefox or IE.
  10. Hoffi

    XML Document empty inside Model_AddOn->getAddOnXml

    Hi Everybody, maybe I have a knot in my brain. I want to extend the XML Creation process for the AddOns, to implement some new Settings I habe added for my own purpose. So, I extend the Class XenForo_Model_AddOn. Then, I add this few Lines: public function getAddOnXml(array $addOn)...
  11. le-melvin

    XML need help

    Hello. I just had to call you. This week I thought why creates "learn" creates a small add-ons I began to seek how to make me well I démerde "We will say his" I show you a picture to see you or I blocks: I plan and test different faction I can not find my. I would like to deactivate /...
  12. Sheldon

    Emoji Smilies Extended Pack XML

    Sheldon submitted a new resource: Emoji Smilies Extended Pack XML - ..the rest Read more about this resource...
  13. Sheldon

    Emoji Smilies Clothing Pack XML

    Sheldon submitted a new resource: Emoji Smilies Clothing Pack XML - No longer naked.... Read more about this resource...
  14. Sheldon

    Emoji Smilies Human Pack XML

    Sheldon submitted a new resource: Emoji Smilies Human Pack XML - ..... Read more about this resource...
  15. Sheldon

    Emoji Smilies Time Pack XML

    Sheldon submitted a new resource: Emoji Smilies Time Pack XML - It's about that time... Read more about this resource...
  16. Sheldon

    Emoji Smilies Space Pack XML

    Sheldon submitted a new resource: Emoji Smilies Space Pack XML - Outta this world... (heh. Lame, but comical) Read more about this resource...
  17. Sheldon

    Emoji Smilies Symbols Pack XML

    Sheldon submitted a new resource: Emoji Smilies Symbols Pack XML - ...... Read more about this resource...
  18. Sheldon

    Emoji Smilies Places Pack XML

    Sheldon submitted a new resource: Emoji Smilies Places Pack XML - Let's go somewhere.... Read more about this resource...
  19. Sheldon

    Emoji Smilies Food Pack XML

    Sheldon submitted a new resource: Emoji Smilies Food Pack XML - Hungry, eh? Read more about this resource...
  20. Sheldon

    Emoji Smilies Nature Pack XML

    Sheldon submitted a new resource: Emoji Smilies Nature Pack XML - Lions, tigers and bears... Read more about this resource...
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