XF 2.0 XenForo XML language file specifications


The XenForo language importer imports a phrase not limitied to what's inside the CDATA Section. It seems to import everything within the phrase tag, that is, also outside the CDATA Section.

For example, the following phrase tag
        <phrase title="you_have_been_banned_for_following_reason_x" addon_id="XF" version_id="0" version_string="">
            <![CDATA[Du har blivit bannlyst av följande anledning: {reason}.]]>

produces the following phrase:

<TAB><TAB><TAB>Du har blivit bannlyst av följande anledning: {reason}.<NEWLINE><TAB><TAB>

I just like to know if this is intentional. Is it documented anywhere?

There is a lot of work, maybe weeks to make a perfect new language file if also translating the ACP-phrases. While doing this work, it's a lot easier if the CDATA starts on a separate line and is found leftmost in the editor like currently at the time of writing this can be seen in this Swedish language file project (and at the attachment). Keeping the phrase tag on a single line will force constant horizontal scrolling (or auto line breaks) and it's not optimal when working with it.

If I'd like a phrase to contain a tab or a line break, I would definitely choose to put it inside the CDATA Section.

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