XML Document empty inside Model_AddOn->getAddOnXml


Well-known member
Hi Everybody,

maybe I have a knot in my brain.

I want to extend the XML Creation process for the AddOns, to implement some new Settings I habe added for my own purpose.

So, I extend the Class XenForo_Model_AddOn.

Then, I add this few Lines:

    public function getAddOnXml(array $addOn)
        $rootNode = parent::getAddOnXml($addOn);

        return $rootNode;

But, teh responde from the parent function delivers NULL.

Has anyone the idea, why? I epected the created XML DOM Element, ao that I can modify this at this place.
Hm, that's odd. It works for me. I also don't see any error in the code you posted. So the problem has to be somewhere else. The best would probably be to set a breakpoint before the call to the parent and then watch what happens...
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