
  1. Mr Lucky

    Lack of interest Permissions for attachment type and storage quota

    I would like: Type of file to be permission based. maximum quota of uploads to be permission based So for example: Usergroup X can upload PDF, but group Y cannot Usergroup X has a maximum allotted storage space of 50MB, group Y omly 5MB This would be quite an incentive for paid user...
  2. Mouth

    Comparing user group permissions

    What method our others using to compare your user group permissions? ACP's Analyze Permissions ( /admin.php?permissions/analyze ) gives a great long list, but if I try and copy 'n' paste the output to put into a spreadsheet or something, then I get them all in a single column.
  3. J

    [Paid] Restricted permissions by title

    Hi! We're a community from Spain and we want to provide to our users a funcionality which is very popular in spanish forums. Let me explain what it is: Restricting permissions depending on the thread title.If the title has a particular Word (usually preceded by a +) permissions apply: If the...
  4. Dan Allen

    XF 1.5 Controlling Who Can View Edit History

    Scenario: In a private forum, I edited a post, then moved it to another private forum. I cannot let people in that other private forum see the edit history Problem: I cannot find any permissions tied to viewing edit history at the group or node levels. Mostly likely I am just blind, not...
  5. dotpro

    Lack of interest group permissions template and import?

    As I switch some my sites, I am finding that I am spending a lot of time doing the same task over and over again, specially user group permissions. How about making a permissions template and allowing import? I setup a dummy site, make the appropriate group or groups, set the permissions I...
  6. Freelancer

    Fixed Statistics block widget(s) should not be shown on forum home if permissions do not allow

    Even if the XFMG is not viewable to certain user groups per permission settings, the Statistics Widget Block in the Sidebar is still fully visible with all data. It should not be visible if the permission "View Media" is set to no.
  7. The Dark Wizard

    Duplicate Conversation Permissions

    So when you revoke a user's permissions to send/receive Conversations, there should also be a way to stop them from using existing PMs.
  8. leslie dow

    Add-on Permissions comparison tool?

    Has anyone seen a tool that compares permissions between usergroups? What I have been doing is tracking this in a spreadsheet but that gets out of sync occasionally and is manual. A tool that would list each user group and the permission differences between them would be very helpful in...
  9. tjrgg

    XF 1.5 Errors Upon Installing

    So, I'm administering a forum that is running on Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u2 x86_64 GNU/Linux. It's using the nginx web server. The problem is that XenForo thinks that the permissions for the data directories are set to be unwritable. However, that is not the case, as the output below clearly shows...
  10. O

    XF 1.5 Changing user groups causing staff having to reset password

    So all my staff's primary user group was their respective staff user group. I switched all of them to the member user group and put their secondary as their respective staff user group. All my staff were logged out and had to reset their password. Is this normal? I don't think it is.
  11. O

    XF 1.5 Permissions & Banners

    So permissions for us are a real pain right now because we have tons of groups and the other group's users dont have "member" set as primary. When I set a user's primary group as member, and his secondary as Staff for example, how do I get ONLY the staff banner to show up and not member?
  12. Dadparvar

    XF 1.5 How to let guests attach files

    Hi, Regarding to: And the answer post below it. (that shows the problem is about xenforo) How can I let guests upload attachments? Regards
  13. S

    XF 1.5 (Insufficient Privileges to Post Here)

    Hi there, fellow members and moderators alike. I am very new to the aspect of xenForo, since I'm used to SMF and vBulletin more. So, I'm having an issue regarding permissions. I've googled this issue, and I know there are similar threads, but they don't seem to answer my question, where's...
  14. O

    Lack of interest Change permissions for multiple user groups at the same time

    I think it would be great if you could change permissions for multiple user groups at the same time. Here is how I envision it working. The page would show a checklist for all your user groups. You check the user groups that you want to change permissions for. The next page would show all the...
  15. Noobz347

    Lack of interest Batch Update Node Permissions

    Would be nice to have a way to batch update node permissions. Ex: Multi-select nodes and see one list. List values are all null. If one selection is clicked (any perm level) and saved then that perm will be set to that position for each node selected. To change the perm to null: Click any...
  16. Cyb3r

    XF 1.5 How to prevent an admin from editing his admin permissions

    This might be confusing, if I wanted to give an admin full control over users only and I don't want him to see or get involved in anything else on the adminCP, how can I prevent him from editing his access permissions to see/edit other things like styles/forums and such, I know I can check admin...
  17. AndreaMarucci

    XF 1.5 Help on permission

    Well, I admit that I don't understand permission. This is my situation and I need some help getting out... My board is private. Unregistered see only a small part of the forum. Registration is on invite and as one register he's put in the "registered" UG (same privileges of the unregistered) so...
  18. I

    RM 1.2 Resources discussion thread visible to members who do not have permission.

    I am testing the resource manager in my forum and a couple of things caught my attention. Issue 1: I have a node where members cannot view threads by others. Moderators and administrators can see all threads in that node. I posted a new resource The discussion thread is posted in this...
  19. jflory7

    XF 1.5 Unable to upgrade board (directories not writable, yet 777?)

    Hello, Today I tried upgrading my board to 1.5.2 and ran into a strange issue. I have double-checked that my permissions are correct, and I have set 777 recursively for both directories. $ ls -Alh total 76K drwxrwxrwx. 7 jflory apache 96 Oct 11 20:19 data drwxrwxrwx. 6 jflory apache 4.0K...
  20. ElgrandOC

    XF 1.5 Restricting Attachment Uploads

    I am having an issue with restricting the ability to upload attachments to posts. I have limited server space available, so what I am wanting to do is turn off the attachment upload for all users except anyone who has paid for membership. The thought process being that those who have paid to...
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