Nicolas FR submitted a new resource:
AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 - FRENCH translation - A french translation of the AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 add-on from mazzly
Read more about this resource...
XenForo pages load assets which are not used nor needed. When websites run addons this start piling up. If you open up the list of queries in debug mode this becomes evident. If you look at CSS and JS being loaded, as well.
Nowadays Google has made speed and Web Vitals a ranking signal which...
XenForo uses the icon font Font Awesome Pro 5 that contains over 7.000 icons of which XenForo typically uses only a few hundred.
But as all icons are included in the CSS and font files, browsers have to download the full font files and CSS which does cause a significant overhead in most cases...
This add-on will no longer be maintained as a better solution for reducing your FontAwesome file sizes has been published by @Kirby here. I would strongly suggest using his add-on instead.
The default XenForo 2.1 theme...