
  1. Sheikh

    XF 2.3 Direction to include jQuery

    What's the direction to properly include jQuery in an add-on so that when the add-on is installed, jQuery is locally hosted, as it was in XF2.2?
  2. RG70Hz

    XF 1.2 Can someone help me resolve this Ajax chat error?

    I installed Ajax chat to my site and am getting this error when clicking the home page. I’m not sure why. [Edit] For some reason I have a home page option now after installing the xenporta add-on. The issue was with the layout editor. I have the chat align to the left and it was giving me this...
  3. Mouth

    Not a bug jQuery source still locally hosted when using CDN

    Regardless of using a jQuery CDN @ /admin.php?options/groups/performance/, HTML still includes/references the locally hosted jquery file. <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script><script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script...
  4. ActorMike

    Fixed Jquery 3.3.1 Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability

    I did my PCI compliance scan today and it failed because we are using a version of JQuery prior to 3.4.0 jQuery Prior to 3.4.0 Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability- http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-11358 Is it okay to manually update it, or will it crash the forum? Mike...
  5. CMTV

    XF 2.1 Can't get preview element

    Hi! In general, I need to analyze the DOM every time it is changed and maybe add some classes to inserted elements. In particular, I am trying to get a preview element which appears after clicking on "Preview" button. After researching the code for some time I figured out that I need to listen...
  6. ibnesayeed

    Do we still need jQuery in XenForo?

    Gone are the days when browsers were intentionally implementing features in an incompatible way from each other for market dominance and monopoly. As a result, making the life of developers difficult who would like to support all browsers. And jQuery was born to rescue! Since then browsers came...
  7. ibnesayeed

    Not a bug XSS vulnerability in jQuery version used in XF 1.5

    XF 1.5.21 (and some older versions) use jQuery 1.11.0 which has a known XSS security vulnerability of medium severity. https://snyk.io/vuln/npm:jquery:20150627
  8. John L.

    Not a bug Error in Console (XF.proxy is not a function)

    Hi Guys, Having a weird issue popping up in my console since the update to 2.0.4. Has anyone else experienced this?
  9. ArrowSuites

    Unmaintained ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat v4.1.2

    Add Live Chat and Video to XenForo ArrowChat lets your XenForo users text and video chat with each other. Installs in minutes on top of any existing website. Every version includes an admin panel to customize nearly everything you see. Enable large features like chat rooms or tweak smaller...
  10. CMTV

    XF 2.0 Including external library (js and css)

    How to include external library (js and css files) in specific template that requires jQuery? I tried this code in template forum_view: <xf:head option="questionthreads_iconpicker"> <!-- Iconpicker styles --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{...
  11. SkyeLogic

    XF 1.5 AJAX works but isn't putting out header or breadcrumbs

    I am using AJAX on my site and it's working. Whenever you click a link, the site loads with the new content. The new content, however, isn't the full content and only partial. The new content doesn't include the header or breadcrumbs. Here is my code: //* @param {jQuery} $ jQuery Object */...
  12. CyberAP

    Lack of interest Use namespaces in events for easy unbinding

    Here is some code from xenforo.js: $(window).on('resize', function() { XenForo.checkQuoteSizing($(document)); }); Anonymous function was bind to 'resize' event in window. There is no way to unbind this function and save all other functions that were bind to 'resize'...
  13. Fred.

    XF 1.5 Jquery loaded twice?

    Hi, As jQuery Source I have selected Google Ajax API CDN GTmetrix told me jQuery is loaded twice from different url's. I can confirm that if I check my page source. It loads jQuery from this url's. //myCDNaccount.netdna-ssl.com/js/jquery/jquery-1.11.0.min.js...
  14. ArrowSuites

    Unmaintained ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat v4.1.2

    Add Live Chat and Video to XenForo ArrowChat lets your XenForo users text and video chat with each other. Installs in minutes on top of any existing website. Every version includes an admin panel to customize nearly everything you see. Enable large features like chat rooms or tweak smaller...
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