custom field

  1. D.C Style

    D.C Style - Unique Field 1.0.0

    Introduce Add the possibility to set a custom field to be "unique", where any new content with this field value will have to be unique. Currently supported custom field types: Thread Custom Fields User Custom Fields Installation Install the add-on. Go to AdminCP -> Choose your desired custom...
  2. Hoffi

    Unmaintained [cv6] Custom Field Extension 1.1.0 Release Candidate 3

    New: Requires my Core AddOn. With this brand new AddOn you can add new types of custom fields: Image The User can upload one or multiple images (XenForo Attachment System is used for this) Combo Box The Combo Box combines a Text box and a Simple Drop Down Box. You can change settings for both...
  3. Ozzy47

    [OzzModz] Quote Book 2.0.0 Beta 3

    ONLY FOR XENFORO 2.2! Quote library with extensive features: Voting for quotes Reacting to quotes Quote comments: Reaction support Report system support Warning actions support Approval queue support Member stats support (quote count & quote score Report system support Warning actions...
  4. Starbucks

    XF 2.1 How can I create Custom Field Groups?

    Hi All, I have a question regarding Custom Field groups. I'd like to have custom groups in the Personal Details section for my custom fields, such as; Job - education etc. I have already seen a great example for XF1, however, this is not up to date anymore, please see...
  5. D

    XF 2.1 How place custom field below title on text editor ?

    have located the template containing the text editor ( name : editor ) but I'm not able to locate the code snippet that belongs to custom field. <xf:css src="editor.less" /> <xf:if is="$fullEditorJs"> <xf:js src="vendor/froala/froala-compiled.full.js, xf/editor.js" /> <xf:else />...
  6. N

    XF 2.1 Custom fields - no template syntax to display them any more

    Hi folks. I have just discovered that (unlike in XF1.x) the custom user fields in XF2 are displayed in a way that only allows HTML to be supplied to tweak the formatting. In XF1.x, it was possible to use template syntax. We used this for a few things, like conditionals to build URLs from...
  7. egerci

    XF 2.1 after upgrade 2.1.5 - Unknown field error for Profile.custom_fields.getFormattedValue

    Hi, Today after upgrade my site with new XF 2.1.5, i have faced below error. I am using custom fields in javascript block to store data for blukai. code like this : <script> dataLayer = [{ <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id"> <xf:set var="$user_age" value="{{(time($xf.time...
  8. Drakeus

    XF 2.0 Custom User Field callbacks

    I am trying to create a callback to validate the input of a custom user field against a database. I have looked through the few discussions on here for the php callbacks for XF2 but unfortunately have not been able to make it work based on the information I have found. in the admin cp for the...
  9. logixsol

    XF 2.0 How to set custom field value in extend class method.

    I have created a custom field in registration form, When someone register that value shows on user profile. That okay. Now, Question is, I want to add the value of another custom field, dynamically When user try to register. I have extend the Pub/Register method actionRegister() and get the...
  10. EasyExpat

    Add-on Custom Fields depending on User language

    Hello, I need a custom field that shows different value depending on the User language. For example for Country: if user lang = English one of the option will be Country = United Kingdom if user lang = French one of the option will be Country = Royaume Uni Can you help on how to do that...
  11. AddonsLab

    Sort Field Options for XenForo 2.x 1.1.0

    The product enhanced XenForo custom field system to allow sorting of options for applicable custom field types (dropdown, radio, checkbox etc.). The product allows manual sorting by drag-n-drop, as well as provides controls to quickly sort the entire list alphabetically in ascending and...
  12. CMTV

    XF 2.0 How use user custom field in .less template?

    Hi! I have a custom user field called test_color. How can I use the value of this field in extra.less or other less templates? Is there a way to do so without involving xenForo development mode and writing addons?
  13. Alpha1

    Custom field Permissions

    If custom fields would have user permissions and criteria then these would become much more flexible. This is especially useful with the new custom fields in XF2 which are available in any content type. You could for example set up fields that only staff can see. Or fields that only members...
  14. Kintaro

    Implemented Custom Content Fields

    I'm posting this here because the original suggestion @vbresults was about only Custom Thread Fields I think that core Custom Fields for all the contents type are really really needed! With that in the core, addon developers, will extend it in their addon, but I think we REALLY need it in the...
  15. W

    Before buying, I would like to know if I can export users/profile information

    Is there a way to export Custom User Field data to CSV or Excel ? We want to create some extra user fields, such as: Club Name, Club Address, Club Web Page, Club Membership ID. #, etc. Is there a way to export all users including Customer User fileds data to CSV or HTML page or whatever...
  16. beanfan78

    XF 1.5 Flair System or Admin Edited Titles

    Hi everyone, I am trying to work on my usergroups today to really make them count. In addition to defining all the usergroups that I want, I would like to give certain accounts "flair" like Reddit. I would like to validate people's background such as them being professional educators, scientist...
  17. indicator

    MG 1.1 Custom field

    Hi there, I am using custom field to show URL on media page. I don't want to show full URL but make it as clickable VISIT SITE. what Value Display HTML should I use? I have selected Value Match Requirements: URL Thanks in advance
  18. R

    Check whether custom user field (really) exists? (no cache)

    (moved from a bug report) If I have an add-on which uses a custom user field, how can I check whether the field exists? array_key_exist does not really help, because it only checks the cache in this case. Without this check the field is still considered valid even when the field was in fact...
  19. R

    As designed Custom user field deletion does not delete entry data

    When you delete a custom user field the data set by users for this field is not deleted from the database and can still be used by add-ons e.g. I doubt this is intended.
  20. B

    Member Card to display clickable custom field

    We have a custom field already enabled as a URL field. This currently shows on the Profile Page under the information tab as a link in the proper place. We would like to have this field also displayed on the Member Card after the 'FOLLOW.. IGNORE' (member_card_links) for logged in users only...
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