
  1. Artonn

    Automated unsubscribe and Bounce email handlers failing.

    What I've done so far is setting up two email accounts at my email inbox provider, which is namecheap. I've created and I've enabled "Enable variable email address values for automated email handling" From there I have connected to the emails to the...
  2. XFA

    [XFA] Tags Generator (support threads, resources, medias, UBS, AMS) - XF2 3.2.0

    Description It's time to get the content of your forum tagged to meet your expectations ! With this add-on from XFA, you can generate tags for the elements which are not sufficiently tagged on your forum, supporting the following content tagging: Threads XenForo Resource Manager - Resources...
  3. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    Add-on Automatic PM when first thread on certain forum?

    Does anybody remember if there is an addon with this functionality? - when user creates a new thread on certain forum he/she will receive private message from administrator - the message is preconfigured containing some useful information for the thread starter - administrator can select what...
  4. Kintaro

    Add-on Automation Rules

    I saw it on IPB marketplace: I think it's very useful for mod/admin actions and to create automated nodes and thread games.
  5. BassMan

    XF 1.5 Bounced email + SparkPost

    Hi, anyone figured out how to set up automated bounced email while usong SparkPost for SMTP? I tried to set up gmail account for bounces, but I gor server error (, 993, SSL). BassMan
  6. Xyphien

    Add-on Giveaway Addon

    There should really be a giveaway addon, much like SteamGifts or GameMiner Example: You have it set up so at the end of what ever time/date you put for the giveaway it will choose a winner from everyone who registers for the giveaway (Which would also allow currency like [bd]money). You could...
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