Form controls that ask for dates (with data-xf-init="date-input") generally seem to be associated with their labels correctly, but the use of aria-label on the form controls (to provide the 'Use the arrow keys to pick a date' help text) overrides the label – the accessible name for these...
The radio buttons for 'Order by' are not inside a radio group and are not associated with the 'Order by' text (which should be the name for the group).
The labels for the 'Search in forums' and 'Search in categories' selects in advanced search are not associated with the selects.
This means that these selects do not have an accessible name.
The labels for custom fields are not associated with their inputs using the for attribute.
For example, this is the markup for a custom field for a user's country:
<dl class="formRow formRow--customField formRow--input" data-field="country">
<div class="formRow-labelWrapper">...
The mobile nav trigger (p-nav-menuTrigger) does not have an accessible name. Although there is a nested <span class="p-nav-menuText">Menu</span> this is hidden using display: none and so not available to assistive technologies. It may make sense to use an aria-label instead.
It's also currently...
On individual media item pages, the < and > link navigation buttons to the left and right of the media item each currently lack a title attribute. Lighthouse flags this as an accessibility concern.
This is also the case for the filmstrip beneath the media item. In total their are 4 failing...
Forums with large numbers of nodes (and sub-nodes) create a navigational challenge for keyboard & blind users. While XenForo provides a watched nodes page, an optional node & category list that shows watched nodes and sorts by activity pairs well with my suggestion for the skip nav item...
While XenForo does a nice job on focus states, providing dedicated controls for them beyond search & basic inputs would be ideal. In some customization cases additional CSS must be added to ensure focus states for links and buttons are visible (such as monochromatic designs), and most users...
I'm working on ways to enhance accessibility for XenForo, and have a few items I'd like to suggest become part of XenForo core.
Skip Navigation
Skip navigation is an exceptionally critical element for any sites with larger navigations; XenForo's trigger-to-expand sub-nav items is fantastic, but...
I've commented about this before but have been recommended to start a suggestions thread!
Currently, the Froala editor uses paragraph <p> tags for a hard return and line breaks <br> for soft return if you inspect the HTML while editing. This is how things should work and do in almost all...
Large header/footer navigation buttons for people that use assistive devices to navigate the web (eye gaze, foot mouse, etc). These types of users often have miss-clicks and issues navigating default Xenforo.
By default, the buttons do not show. If a user chooses to enable them, they do so by...
If you have accessibility concerns the large avatars showing up on the thread lists can be distracting and take up space for people using screen readers and assistive technology (AT) devices. This addon gives users the ability to turn them off in their site preferences.
If you have other...
At least on Chrome, the focus moves to the post button (even when keyboard shortcut is used to post the content) and I have to click shift-tab to get the focus back to the reply box. On my 1.x install, the focus stays in the editor which allows me to continue posting in the thread if required...
Gmail has an excellent keyboard shortcut support. Some shortcuts are only available when a text field or editor is in focus and other are available in other contexts, some are always enabled some require a setting to be toggled on. To see a list of shortcuts in Gmail, press the "?" key when no...