[XFA] RM Marketplace

[XFA] RM Marketplace 3.9.6

No permission to buy (€8.00)
Corrected bugs:
  • XenForo_Exception: Invalid model 'XFA_RMMarketPlace_Model_RMMarketPlace_DigitalProduct' specified - library/XenForo/Model.php:192
Corrected bugs:
  • Pay to feature button doesn't appear to seller
Missing pdf-invoicr third party script in the package.
Corrected bugs:
  • Fresh install not working correctly
Corrected bugs:
  • Incompatibility with XenResource Editor add-on
  • Cannot validate "Pending (manual)" purchases
  • Wrong purchases stats alignment in resource lists when in narrow responsive width
  • Current year stats start at december last year
  • Previous year stats start at december two years ago
  • On 1st day of month previous month stats appear for current month
  • ErrorException: Undefined property: XenForo_ControllerResponse_Error::$redirectType - library/XFA/RMMarketPlace/Extends/XenResource/ControllerPublic/Resource.php:68
  • Mysqli statement execute error : Field 'xfa_rmmp_cgv' doesn't have a default value
  • Price still displayed in resource list after product has been removed from sale
  • For physical product, if quantity is close to selling out, item oversold sometimes happen
Corrected bugs:
  • Missing argument 1 for XenForo_Controller::getErrorOrNoPermissionResponseException(), called in library/XFA/RMMarketPlace/ControllerPublic/User.php on line 26
  • ErrorException: Fatal Error: Can't use function return value in write context - library/XFA/RMMarketPlace/ControllerPublic/Dashboard.php:107
  • ErrorException: Undefined variable: errorPhraseKey - library/XFA/RMMarketPlace/ControllerPublic/User.php:130
  • Error Info A non well formed numeric value encountered - library/XenForo/DataWriter.php:786 (when decimal price made with , instead of .)
  • Server Error if you save Product without price but product is created
  • Unpaid transactions for physical products not automatically removed
Corrected bugs:
  • ErrorException: Undefined variable: errorPhraseKey - library/XFA/RMMarketPlace/ControllerPublic/User.php:26
  • An exception occurred: getimagesize(*): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in */library/XFA/ThirdParty/pdf-invoicr/phpinvoice.php on line 89
  • Note input on paypal not registered in the note field of the purchase

New features:
  • Option to select the US like shipment address format for shipment info (only applies to purchases post activation)
  • [Physical product] Sellers can now input shipment data, eg. tracking number or tracking url, which is then visible to the buyer
  • [Dashboard] Capability to filter sales per shipment status in View Sales tab
Corrected bugs:
  • Purchase through other mean than paypal not displayed for physical products
Corrected bugs:
  • Error in fresh install code
  • ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined method XFA_RMMarketPlace_Model_PurchaseInfo::getSellerById() - library/XFA/RMMarketPlace/ControllerPublic/Purchase.php:175
An error code in the install code (not upgrade) was preventing good functioning.

Those that did a fresh 3.8.0 install are recommended to uninstall and install this updated package. Those that upgraded to 3.8.0 do not need to do anything.
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