- Compatible XF 1.x versions
- 1.4
- 1.5
- Additional requirements
- XenForo Media Gallery > 1.0.x
- Updates duration
- 1 year - 10$ renew
With MOTM, each month you can start a new Media Of The Month contest !
Two modes are provided :
In both modes, Contest activity can be highlighted through messages posted in a specific forum upon different configurable event: contest start, user submission, voting phase start (mode 1 only), user vote, voting phase reopened upon tie (mode 1 only) and winner award, either in separate threads or in a single thread.
To motivate your users, you can also offer an user upgrade to the winner !!!
The readme is available HERE.
Frequently Asked Questions
With MOTM, each month you can start a new Media Of The Month contest !
Two modes are provided :
- Mode 1: Monthly album generation allowing user to submit medias for vote with submission/voting phases (initial mode)
- Mode 2: No dedicated album, each month users votes for any medias in the gallery, most voted one awarded, votes reinitialized each month (new since 3.0.0)
- Submission phase
- Voting phase
In both modes, Contest activity can be highlighted through messages posted in a specific forum upon different configurable event: contest start, user submission, voting phase start (mode 1 only), user vote, voting phase reopened upon tie (mode 1 only) and winner award, either in separate threads or in a single thread.
To motivate your users, you can also offer an user upgrade to the winner !!!
- Lots of configurability through options
- Fully Automatic thanks to a cron task
- Work with pictures and video
- Usergroup permission to participate to MOTM (mode 1), ie. post medias, vote for MOTM and unvote for MOTM [NEW 3.6.0]
- 2 working modes:
- Mode 1: Monthly album generation allowing user to submit medias for vote with submission/voting phases (initial mode)
- Mode 2: No dedicated album, each month users votes for any medias in the gallery, most voted one awarded, votes reinitialized each month (new since 3.0.0)
- Configurable maximum number of votes per user
- Month day to start contest configurable through options
- Optional forum advertising through either a single thread updated during the contest or multiple threads on different events (each can be activated or not) :
- Contest start
- Users submissions with medias included
- 24H prior submission phase end (mode 1 only)
- Voting phase start (mode 1 only)
- User votes and unvotes [NEW 3.6.0]
- Voting phase reopened for 24H due to a tie (mode 1 only)
- 24H prior voting phase end (mode 1 only)
- Winner award
- User submission and user votes messages can either be posted using the specific user set for the different MTOM features or by the user that initiate the action.
- Identification of medias user voted for thanks to textual indication as well as icon [NEW 3.6.0]
- Optional display of who voted, displays on the media page who voted for it. In mode 2, only valid during the contest duration.
- Ribbon on winner's media, both on media page and media gallery index page
- Ribbon on avatar of users who won MOTM in messages and profile
- Ribbon timeout, select the number of days during which the ribbon shall stay displayed.
- MOTM winner can be awarded user upgrade
- Pause MOTM if you want to disable the MOTM contest during a given period, you can pause MOTM creation through option
- Trophy criteria: number of MOTM awards
- Alert - Sent to media owner upon user vote to media, can be disabled through account alert preferences.
- Latest awarded media sidebar block
- Automatic insertion for forums with no Widget Framework
- XenPorta 2 widget included
- [bd] Widget Framework widget include
- Usergroup permission to submit media(s) for MOTM
- Configurable duration of the two phases (submission and vote), both can last more than a month, thus overlapping contests phases
- [NEW 3.6.0] Two possible configurations:
- Full manual configuration where you can set start day, number of days for submission and number of days for vote.
- Monthly contest where you configure only the number of days for submission. The contest then starts on the first day of the month and finished on the last one.
- Configurable maximum number of medias a user can submit per contest
- Configuration stored at contest start to allow modification for the next contest while one is running. Configuration can be modified through specific interface after contest start (usergroup permission based)
- Number of votes and vote link display on media page and on album page's medias
- Fine action configuration in case of tie: Award both / Award most viewed / Award most commented / Reopen votes for 24H
- For most viewed and most commented action, the action to take in case of tie is as well configurable.
- Optional link to MTOM albums in navbar
- Possibility to configure notices to be displayed in MOTM albums (limitation to specific month as option)
- Users can vote for any albums or category medias, except if specific gallery categories are selected through options
- MTOM awarded the 1st of month and votes reinitialized
- All Medias awarded in case of tie
The readme is available HERE.
Frequently Asked Questions