
  1. A

    XF 2.1 How to change order of month and year in Pikaday title

    It'd be great if the ordering of the year and month values in the title of Pikaday followed the locale settings. I need the year to precede the month like so: instead of the default: I don't see an HTML template in ACP (XF2) allowing me to achieve this. Do you know of a way to re-order month...
  2. XFA

    [XFA] Media Of The Month - XF2 4.4.3

    Description With MOTM, each month you can start a new Media Of The Month contest ! Two modes are provided : Mode 1: Monthly album generation allowing user to submit medias for vote with submission/voting phases (initial mode) Mode 2: No dedicated album, each month users votes for any medias in...
  3. XFA

    [XFA] Media Of The Month 3.6.0

    Description With MOTM, each month you can start a new Media Of The Month contest ! Two modes are provided : Mode 1: Monthly album generation allowing user to submit medias for vote with submission/voting phases (initial mode) Mode 2: No dedicated album, each month users votes for any medias in...
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