- Compatible XF 1.x versions
- 1.4
- 1.5
- Updates duration
- 1 year - 20€ renew
- Visible branding
- Yes, but removable with payment
Xen Factory has created for you a new complete application add-on for XenForo: Document Manager !
With Xen Factory's Document Manager, you and your users can create documents, manuals, tutorials, books, guides, or any kind of document type, and maintain then overtime very easily.
Documents are sorted in categories and split into up to 4 levels deep sections, numbered or not, depending on user selection. Sections can be organized either on a single page or layout into different pages thanks to simple selection of sections after which putting a page break.
Since version 2.5.0, documents can be co-authored by multiple users !
Xen Factory's Document Manager implements most of XenForo core technologies for a fully integrated user experience: alerts, attachments, prefixes, likes, moderation queue, moderator log, news feed, report, search, sitemap, spam, statistics, tags (only for xF 1.5) and warnings.
Key Features
Main landing Page: 3 different layouts, List View, Grid View and Article View, both containing Document Icon and/or Author's avatar, title, last update date and rating. List View is similar to the Resource Manager one. Grid View is more like a block view, with two documents per row, and contains an additional snippet of the document's summary. Article View is a more in-depth preview of the document's content and shows the whole document summary and a snippet of the sections content.
Both views are paginated and contain either tabbed (xF 1.4) or dropdown menu (xF 1.5) sorting: Latest Updates / Newest Documents / Top Documents / Most Viewed / Alphabetically. Default one being configurable through options [NEW 2.7.0].
The landing page sidebar contains the Categories List, a Top Documents block and a Most Active Writers block, where the two last blocks can be disabled through options.
Category Pages w/Tabbed (xF 1.4) or Dropdown Menu (xF 1.5) Sorting: Each Category has its own area that lists all documents (paginated) with the same views type than on the main landing page. Categories sidebar contains a Top Documents block. Categories contain all children documents as well as their own. Same sorting options than on the landing page applies.
Member Profile Tab: On the members profiles, list all the documents they created in the tab with the same layout (List or Grid) than on the main landing page, ordered by creation date.
Nested Categories: Categories are created via the ACP with unlimited depth. You can set whether to allow Documents to be created in a category, to always moderate documents and sections posted in a category as well as wether to automatically create or not a thread upon resource creation.
Documents: When users create a document, they will be able to upload attachments, fill in the document summary, select if the document contains section or is a single page no sections one, select wether to display or no sections numbering (if has sections), input document content (if no sections) and select wether to upload or not a document icon after document's creation. Attachments, summary and options can be edited/added at any time. Document sidebar consists of a small document information block, a list of other user's documents and a table of content for easy navigation inside the document. Table of content behavior (floating, tree view, ...) can be configured through style properties [NEW 2.7.0]. Documents can be co-authored by multiple users, called contributors but can also be reassigned easily to change the author. A PDF version of the document can be downloaded by users, if authorized through permissions [NEW 2.7.0].
Sections: When users add a section to a document, they select the parent section (if any), the position of the section in the document as well as wether to break page after or before the new section or not. The section summary can as well be filled at that time (if enabled, can be optional). The section content can then be edited thanks to an automatically opening inline editor which can be also be opened at any time to edit the section content. Inline section editing provides a clear view of the whole document and thus aims at ease consistency throughout the document. Sections can be reordered at any time thanks to a Drag & Drop interface in a dedicated overlay. Layout of sections (indent, etc...) is fully configurable for each section level through style properties [NEW 2.7.0].
Prefixes: Integration of the prefixes in the document manager are similar to the one for the threads. In the admincp, you are able to create prefix groups and prefixes with selection of the categories where they can be used and which usergroup can use them. In the documents list, user are able to filter the resources based on these prefixes.
Ratings and Reviews: Each document can be rated with the Star Rating System along with an optionally mandatory review. When a user reviews a document, the author receives an alert and is able to answer to the user's review. Rating system is based on usergroup permissions. Own document rating is not allowed.
Watch Categories, Documents or Writers: you can easily see what's going on in a category, in a document or even for a specific writer by receiving alerts or emails through fine tuning options.
Discussion Thread Integration: You can set (per category) whether to auto create threads for new items and select wether to apply or not a specific prefix.
Likes: Each document can be liked (an unliked). Alerts are sent and newsfeed items are created when documents are liked.
Inline Moderation: Ease moderator actions and permits actions on multiple documents or sections at the same time: Delete / Undelete / Approve / Unapprove / Move (documents only).
Report and Warn: Each document can be reported or warned.
Moderation Queue: Documents and Sections can be placed in "moderation" and handled via the XenForo moderation queue in the Admin CP.
Search: Fully integrated with XenForo search to include its own tab on the Advanced Search.
Newsfeed: New Items are posted to the newsfeed as well as likes.
History log: Activated through options, sections edit history can be logged into the database, thus allowing easy revert to previous versions. Edit history log are kept during a defined amount of time, configured through xF default history log configuration (used for posts). [NEW 2.7.0]
Alerts: Authors receive alerts when anyone likes their document or reviews their document. Anyone that made a review will receive an alert when the author provides a response.
Options: Full set of options to ease Document Manager customization (items per page, blocks options, ...).
Permissions: Many usergroup permissions to allow find tune of user permissions at user, usergroup or category levels.
Daily Statistics: Fully integrated with the built in Xenforo Daily Statistics Tool in the Admin CP. Display statistics for Documents, Documents Likes, Documents Ratings, Documents Attachments and Documents Attachment Disk usage.
Install/Uninstall instructions
The readme is available HERE.
You must read the FAQ after installing as additional configuration is needed if you want to use PDF generation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Xen Factory has created for you a new complete application add-on for XenForo: Document Manager !
With Xen Factory's Document Manager, you and your users can create documents, manuals, tutorials, books, guides, or any kind of document type, and maintain then overtime very easily.
Documents are sorted in categories and split into up to 4 levels deep sections, numbered or not, depending on user selection. Sections can be organized either on a single page or layout into different pages thanks to simple selection of sections after which putting a page break.
Since version 2.5.0, documents can be co-authored by multiple users !
Xen Factory's Document Manager implements most of XenForo core technologies for a fully integrated user experience: alerts, attachments, prefixes, likes, moderation queue, moderator log, news feed, report, search, sitemap, spam, statistics, tags (only for xF 1.5) and warnings.
Key Features
- Nested Categories – Unlimited Nested Categories.
- Reponsive Layouts - List View, Grid View or Article view
- 5 Ordering Tabs (xF 1.4) or Sorting Options (xF 1.5) - Latest Updates / Newest Documents / Top Documents / Most Viewed / Alphabetically. Default tab configurable through options [NEW 2.7.0]
- Document Icon - Users can upload a specific Icon for their document.
- Full WYSIWYG edition
- Unlimited Sections - Split document into up to 4 levels deep sections, either displayed on a single page or into multiple pages.
- No Sections - For simpler use, capability to create single page documents with no sections.
- Easy Section Ordering - Reorder sections on a specific page thanks to Drag & Drop technology.
- Easy Navigation - Thanks to a Table Of Content block inside the document view. Only for documents with sections.
- Attachments - Files can be attached to documents and/or sections.
- Create and attach PDF - Create PDF from editor and have them attached to the document as attachments. [NEW 2.8.0]
- Edit History - Sections edit history can be stored and logged to allow reverting to previous versions. History logs are automatically pruned based on default xF history log pruning configuration. [NEW 2.7.0]
- Tags (xF 1.5 only) - Integrated with Core XenForo Tags system.
- Prefixes - Create prefix groups and let your user add prefixes (similarly to the thread prefixes).
- Contributors - Add contributors to allow content enhancing by multiple users.
- Document reassign - Easily change the author of the document.
- PDF Download - Capability to generate a pdf version of the documents. Note that images issued from attachments are not included in the pdf due to permissions issue, external images works however. [NEW 2.7.0]
- Alerts - Users will be notified when someone likes or rates their document, or answer to one of their document's review.
- Sticky Documents - Keep on top import documents. [NEW 2.7.0]
- Watch Documents - Receive alerts and/or emails when a document is updated.
- Watch Categories - Receive alerts and/or emails when a new document is created or updated.
- Watch Writers - Receive alerts and/or emails when a new document is created or updated by a writer.
- User Permissions - Decide which users or user groups can use the Document Manage features.
- Full Category Permissions - All usergroup permissions can be set per category.
- Documents Inline moderation - Delete / Undelete /Approve / Unapprove / Move documents.
- Sections Inline moderation - Delete / Undelete / Approve / Unapprove sections.
- Search - Integrated within XenForo Search system for simple search inside documents and sections.
- News Feed Integration - User activities in Document Manager show up in XenForo's news feed system.
- Statistics - View Document Manager activities, directly from your admincp.
- Rebuild Caches - Category, Document and User statistics and counters can be rebuilt through the rebuild caches system.
- Integrated with other XenForo core systems - Likes, Reports, Warn, Moderation queue, Moderation log, Sitemap, Spam, and Warnings.
- Automatic thread creation - On a per category basis, select wether to create or not a thread in a specific forum with or without dedicated prefix.
- New Documents Sidebar block
- Document Manager Statistics in Forum Statistics sidebar block.
- Membercard statistics - Display user's number of documents.
- Documents tab in profile page - Display user's documents.
- Most Active Writers page.
- Document Manager Sidebar Blocks - Top Documents / Last Reviews / Most Active Writers.
- Resource Manager Importing system - Convert categories and fileless documents they contain to Document Categories and Documents (watch, likes, reviews and description attachments imported)
- Convert To Document link in Resources - Link added in Resource Tools for fileless resources to convert them to Document (watch, likes, reviews and description attachments imported).
- Phrased for easy document type customization - 4 language sets included : Book / Document / Manual / Tutorial / Guide.
Main landing Page: 3 different layouts, List View, Grid View and Article View, both containing Document Icon and/or Author's avatar, title, last update date and rating. List View is similar to the Resource Manager one. Grid View is more like a block view, with two documents per row, and contains an additional snippet of the document's summary. Article View is a more in-depth preview of the document's content and shows the whole document summary and a snippet of the sections content.
Both views are paginated and contain either tabbed (xF 1.4) or dropdown menu (xF 1.5) sorting: Latest Updates / Newest Documents / Top Documents / Most Viewed / Alphabetically. Default one being configurable through options [NEW 2.7.0].
The landing page sidebar contains the Categories List, a Top Documents block and a Most Active Writers block, where the two last blocks can be disabled through options.
Category Pages w/Tabbed (xF 1.4) or Dropdown Menu (xF 1.5) Sorting: Each Category has its own area that lists all documents (paginated) with the same views type than on the main landing page. Categories sidebar contains a Top Documents block. Categories contain all children documents as well as their own. Same sorting options than on the landing page applies.
Member Profile Tab: On the members profiles, list all the documents they created in the tab with the same layout (List or Grid) than on the main landing page, ordered by creation date.
Nested Categories: Categories are created via the ACP with unlimited depth. You can set whether to allow Documents to be created in a category, to always moderate documents and sections posted in a category as well as wether to automatically create or not a thread upon resource creation.
Documents: When users create a document, they will be able to upload attachments, fill in the document summary, select if the document contains section or is a single page no sections one, select wether to display or no sections numbering (if has sections), input document content (if no sections) and select wether to upload or not a document icon after document's creation. Attachments, summary and options can be edited/added at any time. Document sidebar consists of a small document information block, a list of other user's documents and a table of content for easy navigation inside the document. Table of content behavior (floating, tree view, ...) can be configured through style properties [NEW 2.7.0]. Documents can be co-authored by multiple users, called contributors but can also be reassigned easily to change the author. A PDF version of the document can be downloaded by users, if authorized through permissions [NEW 2.7.0].
Sections: When users add a section to a document, they select the parent section (if any), the position of the section in the document as well as wether to break page after or before the new section or not. The section summary can as well be filled at that time (if enabled, can be optional). The section content can then be edited thanks to an automatically opening inline editor which can be also be opened at any time to edit the section content. Inline section editing provides a clear view of the whole document and thus aims at ease consistency throughout the document. Sections can be reordered at any time thanks to a Drag & Drop interface in a dedicated overlay. Layout of sections (indent, etc...) is fully configurable for each section level through style properties [NEW 2.7.0].
Prefixes: Integration of the prefixes in the document manager are similar to the one for the threads. In the admincp, you are able to create prefix groups and prefixes with selection of the categories where they can be used and which usergroup can use them. In the documents list, user are able to filter the resources based on these prefixes.
Ratings and Reviews: Each document can be rated with the Star Rating System along with an optionally mandatory review. When a user reviews a document, the author receives an alert and is able to answer to the user's review. Rating system is based on usergroup permissions. Own document rating is not allowed.
Watch Categories, Documents or Writers: you can easily see what's going on in a category, in a document or even for a specific writer by receiving alerts or emails through fine tuning options.
Discussion Thread Integration: You can set (per category) whether to auto create threads for new items and select wether to apply or not a specific prefix.
Likes: Each document can be liked (an unliked). Alerts are sent and newsfeed items are created when documents are liked.
Inline Moderation: Ease moderator actions and permits actions on multiple documents or sections at the same time: Delete / Undelete / Approve / Unapprove / Move (documents only).
Report and Warn: Each document can be reported or warned.
Moderation Queue: Documents and Sections can be placed in "moderation" and handled via the XenForo moderation queue in the Admin CP.
Search: Fully integrated with XenForo search to include its own tab on the Advanced Search.
Newsfeed: New Items are posted to the newsfeed as well as likes.
History log: Activated through options, sections edit history can be logged into the database, thus allowing easy revert to previous versions. Edit history log are kept during a defined amount of time, configured through xF default history log configuration (used for posts). [NEW 2.7.0]
Alerts: Authors receive alerts when anyone likes their document or reviews their document. Anyone that made a review will receive an alert when the author provides a response.
Options: Full set of options to ease Document Manager customization (items per page, blocks options, ...).
Permissions: Many usergroup permissions to allow find tune of user permissions at user, usergroup or category levels.
Daily Statistics: Fully integrated with the built in Xenforo Daily Statistics Tool in the Admin CP. Display statistics for Documents, Documents Likes, Documents Ratings, Documents Attachments and Documents Attachment Disk usage.
Install/Uninstall instructions
The readme is available HERE.
You must read the FAQ after installing as additional configuration is needed if you want to use PDF generation.
Frequently Asked Questions