XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration

XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration

No permission to buy ($30.00)

Reviews 4.06 star(s) 39 reviews

No support. Users don't sync. Video is outdated and so things will not work unless you do more than the video explains.
Should have read reviews first. Roles are not syncing, navbar item does not display. I wish there was a refund option because this is horribly disappointing.
While I had previously rated this addon with 5 stars, that was because I was able to set things up relatively easily and without issues (or so I thought). The problem I eventually encountered is that some accounts (not all) do not sync as expected.

And herein lies the biggest problem with this addon; the complete and utter lack of any real support. @jaxel's response to just about any question in the discussion thread is "read the FAQ". We've all read this FAQ, and when we still have issues, the answer again is "read the FAQ" over and over again.

So it's pretty clear this developer is not interested in putting forth the effort to help anyone that has issues with this addon; not only is this lazy, it's disrespectful to users to just copy/paste the same response to every support question, and users should take this into account before purchasing this or any other addon by this developer.

Just take a look at the responses to my posts in the discussion thread and you'll see the (lack of) support you can expect. I will be exploring @NixFifty's addon in the meantime that achieves the same purpose as this addon.
Jaxel doesn't care providing support for you. Even simple questions are unanswered. He just wants your money and doesn't care about providing support.
Zero support. It's clear this author does not care. I'd suggest looking elsewhere for a Discord integration for your website.
Despite the lack of support from Jaxel, after figuring out how to set this up, it works flawlessly. Everything is as advertised. Happy with the results.
I was having some issues with the latest version of his plugin and xenforo. I tried to contact him to resolve this issues. I have not received a response. I have both Direct Messaged him and Emailed him to no avail.
Awesome addon and crucial to my gaming community. It took me a bit to get this working for my large discord server, and unfortunately the seller wasn't much help. But I figured it out and it's been very useful.
Quality add-on, works great. Make sure you check the video for how to set things up, but this is fairly easy to set get going without it if you'e familiar with website stuff.
Update: The add-on now works properly but the author, Jaxel, took over a month to respond to my posts in the support thread, resulting in major downtime for this add-on on my forum.
Excellent so far. Immediately relays messages to my Discord channel. If you use both Discord and XenForo, you should seriously consider getting this! Some users have reported issues, but if/until I encounter them, it deserves 5 stars.
I'm a bit tech illiterate - Jaxel was quick to help me and get me going. We have this add-on running and it's running very smoothly. I'm not surprised!

If you want Discord integration, I HIGHLY recommend this add-on.
Super B add-on that you really want for your community! I had no issues with it, it worked like a charm and I am enjoying it already.
Leaving another rating as the add-on has changed quite a bit since my first review. You now have the option to include a 'crate' which is a pop-up which appears on your forum's bottom right corner. This interacts with 'widgetbot.io', allowing you to browse your forums and see your associated Discord channel at the same time.
Loved it for XF 1.x and Love it even more for XF 2.x! This bot always helps increase forum activity
As I see your portal add-on was great and here I am seeing your discord add-on as well. So keep the up the good work :)
What this is: A way for a bot to let your discord server know a post has been made. What this is not: A way to integrate discord into your forums as a chat feature. If you were looking for a way to make discord a chat box like I was, this ain't it.
Perfect add-on to our roleplaying forum. Keeps the members up to date with everything they need to know, without having to check the forum every few minutes. Works as intended, right out of the box!
Thanks for providing excellent customer service. Had issues jaxal listened and worked with me right away. Top notch service! This really has improved our discord a ton!
Had this for Xenforo 1 and this one is a ton better than the old. Highly recommended to increase forum activity, works perfectly!
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